Sebastian Gorka

April 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s this guy named Sebastian Gorka. He’s a member of a White House team known as the Strategic Initiatives Group, which was set up by Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner and is a Deputy Assistant to the President.

Gorka and wife

I thought it was a little weird that he wore some kind of damn military-looking outfit to the inaugural balls, but after the way KellyAnn Conway was dressed that day, most everything else looked pretty sane.

Well, looking weird and prancing around with Nazi medals are two different things.  I mean, KellyAnn stopped with the helmet hat and awful shoes, but Sebastian took the whole thing to the edge of Holy Cow!

Members of a Hungarian ultranationalist group with ties to the World War II-era Nazis have said they are proud that a top Trump administration adviser wore the group’s medal at the inauguration of US President Donald Trump.

Look, I am certain that he wasn’t the only Nazi there that day, but if you’re an American citizen, the only military uniform you ought to be wearing is one of ours.

And then there’s this.

The US State Department lists Vitézi Rend as a Nazi-linked group, which could render members ineligible for visas. Gorka became a US citizen in 2012.

But, not to worry —

Gorka called NBC investigation “fake news” and added that he had “completely distanced” himself from white supremacist and Nazi ideology groups.

Uh, then what’s the deal with the medal?  And the uniform?  Isn’t that kinda like saying, “I love the Nazis, except of course that killing Jews part.”

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sebastian Gorka”

  1. What has been totally unthinkable for all 241 years of America, are becoming unsurprising in the Orange Whore’s maladmin. We must remember, Herr Leader is not sane.

  2. he had “completely distanced” himself from white supremacist and Nazi ideology groups.

    He’s not a Nazi, but he plays one on TV. And at the inaugural ball, and wherever fine uniforms are worn…

  3. Lunargent says:

    But it was ever so shiny!

    How could any boy resist?

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Makes a guy wonder how st00pid Jared and Ivanka might be thinking they are the “ones” loved by Bannon and Gorka. Not like it is a secret that all Jews must convert before the final days according to the KKKristians. Bibi seems unaware, too.

  5. Tilphousia says:

    The whole damn White House mob is nothing but a bunch of neo nazi haters. Their mission is to destroy this country in order to line their pockets. Trump is insane and his minions are pure evil.

  6. Speaking of medals . . . once upon a time in my flaming youth I had a friend who took his Ad Altare Dei medal and made an IRA topper to cover it. No, he did not get into any trouble. At the time the crowd he ran with did not know what either inscription meant. They thought he was just clowning around. When he did not get a rise out of anybody, the entire medal went back in the sock drawer. It is to be hoped that Gorka will come to the same conclusion. Empty medals=empty bearer and get a hollow response, not a glorious salute.

  7. @Maggie


    Individual Retirement Account?

    Irish Republican Army?
