Screwy Louie Unplugged
Y’all, you know how some people think that Barack Obama’s parents had his birth announcement placed in the Hawaiian newspaper because they knew for a dead solid certain fact that although he was born in Kenya he was going to be President one day so they started the conspiracy to claim he’s an American citizen the day after he’s born?
And, bless your heart, you thought that was crazy.
You ain’t met Louie Gohmert, East Texas’ gift to Ouija boards.
Louie thinks Elena Kagan knew years and years ago that John Robert was going to side with the liberal on the Affordable Heath Care Act. Seriously.
“Could [Kagan] have foreseen that perhaps a weakness of the brilliant [Chief Justice] John Roberts could be if you call something a penalty in a bill and then later call it a tax after it’s passed, then maybe the Supreme Court should buy it?” Gohmert asked Friday on the House floor.
Apparently, no one was there with a straight jacket and a butterfly net.
Gohmert went on to explain his belief that Kagan has powers beyond the normal human.
Kagan the “worst solicitor general in history” if she had not advised President Barack Obama on the inevitable legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act.
Well, duh, Louie. Maybe her crystal ball was in for an oil change that day.
Of course she knew it was going to have legal challenges. Everybody knew that because Louie held press conferences every day, pretending to be a lawyer.
Thanks to the Louie Gohmert watch-out team for the heads-up.