Screwy Louie Unplugged

July 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, you know how some people think that Barack Obama’s parents had his birth announcement placed in the Hawaiian newspaper because they knew for a dead solid certain fact that although he was born in Kenya he was going to be President one day so they started the conspiracy to claim he’s an American citizen the day after he’s born?

And, bless your heart, you thought that was crazy.

You ain’t met Louie Gohmert, East Texas’ gift to Ouija boards.

Voodoo Lookout

Louie thinks Elena Kagan knew years and years ago that John Robert was going to side with the liberal on the Affordable Heath Care Act. Seriously.

“Could [Kagan] have foreseen that perhaps a weakness of the brilliant [Chief Justice] John Roberts could be if you call something a penalty in a bill and then later call it a tax after it’s passed, then maybe the Supreme Court should buy it?” Gohmert asked Friday on the House floor.

Apparently, no one was there with a straight jacket and a butterfly net.

Gohmert went on to explain his belief that Kagan has powers beyond the normal human.

Kagan the “worst solicitor general in history” if she had not advised President Barack Obama on the inevitable legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act.

Well, duh, Louie.  Maybe her crystal ball was in for an oil change that day.

Of course she knew it was going to have legal challenges.   Everybody knew that because Louie held press conferences  every day, pretending to be a lawyer.

Thanks to the Louie Gohmert watch-out team for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Screwy Louie Unplugged”

  1. This man is an imbecile.

  2. Two of the comments on the articles in HuffPo:

    1) This guy makes every one in Texas look like fools!

    2) by comparison, he makes them look like mensa candidates.


  3. You have to wonder if anyone in his family cares about him.
    People don’t normally let their loved ones go out in public and act crazier than a howler monkey on meth.

  4. LOL at Angela … that is a laugh-out-loud comment and I love it!! And, Diane is right … the man is an imbecile!!! Guess it’s too hot in S. CO to make my own comments but you gals said it so perfectly!! Thank you!!

  5. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Screwy Louie “Unplugged?”

    Old news.

    How about “unplugged-er”

  6. JJ: If you keep harping on how crazy Louie is, our esteemed
    Governor, The Bald Eagle, is bound to invite him to move over here to Florida so he can help purge the voter rolls.

    So far Scott’s purges have been less than 2% accurate and Louis could surely help out.

    See, I tole you months ago that FL & TX are durned near tied for stupid.

  7. Mz Patti says:

    Well, personally I thought that my Congressman, Randy Neugebauer, was awful…. then Cong. Joe Barton apologized to BP, and I thought maybe NoogaBooga and Barton were spending too much time together, or something. Now I keep watching Screwie Louie embarass Texas with his rantings, premonitions, and puff-ups, and have seriously wondered if there is a drug or something, maybe a mental health test the Texas Republican Party administers to its Congressional delegation, which makes them spew, fart, and embarass us. Then I realized that they were elected by (R)obots. OMG.

  8. He ran unopposed in the last election and got 90% of the vote. He knows his constituency.

  9. Most countries give treatment, care, and hospitalization (when necessary) to people who are mentally ill.

    Here, in the United States of America….. and especially Texas, we send them to Congress to make law.

    Go figure!

  10. Sam in Kyle says:

    It was the neck massage Kagan gave Roberts that turned the tide.

  11. Mz Patti, I’m still thinking that a mass breakout of mad cow disease in the evening meal at a national convention could explain plenty about the last few years.

  12. Louie is bad, but never forget that “progressive” California (my state) gave this nation Nixon and Reagan. We also jump-started Norquist’s career. Be thankful when your radical-righters are dumb enough that is shows instead of smart enough to get away with it.

  13. all I know is I love that picture of Louie…….

  14. Litlhorn says:

    I would never, never ever, condone violence of any type, but if anyone happens to be heading towards “Postal” and can’t help themselves, I have a list I’d be happy to share with you for your Not-so-Random act of senseless violence. Just sayin….

  15. aggieland liz says:

    @ Angela, he kinda looks like those little lab monkeys, don’t remember their name – Rhesus monkeys maybe? I can’t stop laughing long enuf to write this! The monkeys are cuter, but I understand meth labs dot E Texas-maybe you’ve outed Louie’s secret pleasure?!

  16. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    from my heavily padded “study” in north east Texas…

    Gohmert has flown under my radar. Not surprising since I don;t get out much. Wow! What a goofball he appeasr to be.

    Commenter 14, that’s called a Better Dead List in my mother’s family. I hasten to add that “needed killin'” was also a legitimate finding by the JP of her home Texas county when investigating cause of unattended death. I don;t condone violets either!
