Screwed by a Shortreed

May 31, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t think it has dawned on anybody yet that the totally vicious lying crazy woman who let some low-life Republican writ twit buy her the Democratic nomination for a district judgeship in Harris County has not only screwed us, but has also tied the entire county and justice system to a barbwire fence for another screwing.

Elaine Palmer‘s seedy, low-life, disgraceful  campaign to beat the Honorable Democratic Judge Steve Kirkland worked and now we have an unqualified, complaint-ridden Democrat running against … oh dear God, help me …. a Republican named Ken Shortreed.

Ken almost has a website, and he seems like an awfully cheerful fella.  But, I see a few problems with his being a District Court Judge.  Just a few.

First off, there’s an odd video on his website.  I mean, I suspect it’s a long video but I didn’t have the courage to click the little GO button because the title of the video kinda scared me.

The top of a video at his website —

Dude, I know how you feel, for me every ballet is loooong.  Cripes, that swan woman flops around on the stage for an hour before she dies.  Just belly-up, Girl!  And there’s not even popcorn.

In the video he explains that he meant to say, “It’s a long ballot but at the bottom there’s a Shortreed.”

Well hell, now I respect him even less than I did when I thought he didn’t like ballet.

And he does have a Facebook page with this interesting sampling of people who inspire Ken.

Okay, first off, he couldn’t bother to get a picture of Jesus?  Those suckers are all over the place.

Now, if I were to pick the trinity of people who inspire me, Dean Gerald Treece of South Texas College of Law would not rank up there with Jesus.  I mean, Treece is a nice guy and all, but I doubt he’s had any luck changing water into wine.  I could be wrong.  I did not go to writ twit school. No telling what they do behind those closed doors.

So, come November we get to pick between a puppet woman and a crazy man.

Lord help us.  Oh wait, no.  Dean Gerald Treece help us.

Thanks to Bruce for the heads-up.

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