Screw Deregulation.

February 02, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Ever since we deregulated energy in Texas, it’s been nothing but trouble.

We get a hurricane and we’re without power for 10 days.  We get a freeze and we get this.

ERCOT, The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, has requested CenterPoint Energy perform “load shedding” Wednesday.

Power outages should last 30 minutes each as CenterPoint Energy alternates outages across the region. If your power stays out for greater that 60 minutes, please notify CenterPoint energy at 713-207-2222.

The first outage occurred at 7:00 am this morning.  It lasted 40 minutes.  The second outage was at 9:10 am and lasted until 9:40.  It appears that we’ll be getting power about every other hour.

Do I live in freekin’ Baghdad?

Somebody is getting rich off deregulation but I’m getting cold.  In the damn dark.

Don’t get in any elevators today.

Thelma just reminded me that it’s colder in Richmond than it is in Czechoslovakia  right now.  Except in Czechoslovakia, they have electricity.

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