SCOTUS Rewrites the Constitution to Protect Trump

March 04, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Insurrection, Trump

As expected, the SCOTUS ruled that individual states cannot keep an insurrectionist off their own state ballot.  The opinion was unanimous.  But what isn’t talked about as much in the media is what the majority did next, which was writing in a new constitutional provision specifically designed to protect none other than the subject of the ruling, TFG.  Even though the opinion was unanimous, it was unanimous only in saying the states can’t ban insurrectionists from the ballot.  The four women justices disagreed when the Trump Wing of SCOTUS went far beyond the question before the Court, adding a new requirement that a candidate can only be blocked under the 14th Amendment by FEDERAL LEGISLATION, which, in the current environment, is impossible.  It doesn’t impose that same rule on other provisions of the 14th Amendment such as the two term limit, just the insurrectionist provision.  So the Trump Wing of SCOTUS actually wrote in a new Constitutional requirement to disqualify an insurrectionist.  This is called legislating from the bench. And again, done so in the service of TFG to help him take over the US government in January 2025.

The Trump Wing of the SCOTUS often hides behind federal legislation in its opinions to help their own political party.  One glaring example of this is when they declined to stop clearly unconstitutional state gerrymandering  that has permanently disenfranchise millions of voters like those of us in Texas where Dems have to win 58% of votes in districts statewide to have a chance of taking a majority of Congressional seats.  SCOTUS says it’s not its job to protect from that, so disenfranchised voters have no recourse for justice.

So the SCOTUS continues to run interference for TFG, helping him run out the clock to the election in November.  Oh, and by the by, Clarence Thomas once again didn’t recuse in a case where he is clearly conflicted.

Your welcome.

0 Comments to “SCOTUS Rewrites the Constitution to Protect Trump”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It’s pretty clear that while trying to run interference for TFFG, the supremes are going to do everything they can to protect themselves. Having trumpf in the WH, a house of vengeance gop majority and possibly a senate gop majority would protect them from being held accountable for their corruption. That’s why it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the same supremes in the majority will rule in trumpf’s favor about his immunity to prosecution, because that will keep them immune, too.

  2. bearcreekbat says:

    I just finished reading the opinion and have a different perspective on what it says, and more importantly what it doesn’t say. By way of background the Colorado courts found as a fact that TFG was and is an insurrectionist; that he tried to overthrow the US government; that he is, in effect, a traitor, liar, con man and thief. The SCOTUS decision doesn’t disagree with any of these factual findings. They do not suggest the Colorado courts were in any way mistaken about the underlying facts. While one can certainly have a different take on their interpretation of the 14th Amendment at issue, apparently it has become a settled legal fact that TFG is an insurrectionist; that he tried to overthrow the US government; that he is, in effect, a traitor, liar, con man and thief. Not even Thomas, Alito, or any of the TFG appointees have contested or even criticized this judicial finding in any way in this particular opinion. To me that says much more than the constitutional analysis and ought to be the point that receives attention.

  3. @Steve – Possible, but I have to think that they are aware of the logical result of them ruling in TFG’s favor. The current president controls the levers of government including Seal Team Six. TFG’s lawyers argue that a president can use Seal Team Six to murder a political opponent. Sooo…

  4. Remember all those years and decades when one of the top Repub talking points and buzzwords to scare their minions was the term “Activist Judges”, that the libruls had everywhere?

    As usual, the Rethuglikans were telling you exactly what they had in mind to do.

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Even if “presidential immunity” were real, no Democratic president would make use of it. It’s the old handicap: When they go low, we go high. Politics is a dirty business and you have to be willing to get some s–t on your shoes. We have to vote like mad ’cause Seal Team 6 is not coming to our aid on Joe Biden’s watch.

  6. El Jefe @3, A very strong case can be made that it’s in the national interest to ‘remove’ a certain extremely dangerous FFG from existence.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Buttermilk Sky- my thoughts exactly. Trumpf on the other hand has already threatened to use his authoritarian powers.

  8. maryelle says:

    What is our recourse??????
    Most of us feel helpless against the moronic Republican coercion
    aimed at turning America into another Russia. Aside from donating, voting and yard signs, what is to be done to protect us from their depravity?

  9. Two Constitutions now – one for America, one for GOPerverts .

  10. @Maryelle hate to scare you further but please look up Project 2025 and then vote, tell every one you know to vote, show the undecided this handbook, show the conservative semi sane Republicans that like living in a free country this hand book. And @Jum if the Republicans are elected, God forbid you won’t ever have to worry about the Constitution or voting again.
