SCOTUS Denies Paxton – I Do Believe I Can Hear Ol’ Dandy Don Singing

December 11, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts, Trump

Years ago, retired Dallas Cowboys Quarterback turned Monday Night Football announcer, Don Meredith, would often sing “The Party’s Over” when a big NFL team had no hope of winning.  To wit:

Welp, I believe I can hear him singing even now.  The Supreme Court just denied to hear Paxton’s idiotic lawsuit to throw out millions of votes in 4 states, subvert democracy and install Trump as dictator.  Paxton, Abbott, Patrick, Cruz, and 17 US representatives from Texas sided with sedition rather than honoring their oaths of office.  SCOTUS said no. Alito, along with Thomas, dissented, of course.  Here’s the order:

155, ORIG.

             FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2020
               ORDER IN PENDING CASE

The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of

complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.

Statement of Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas joins: In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. See Arizona v. California, 589 U. S. ___
(Feb. 24, 2020) (Thomas, J., dissenting). I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.

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0 Comments to “SCOTUS Denies Paxton – I Do Believe I Can Hear Ol’ Dandy Don Singing”

  1. It’s interesting (and a bit reassuring) that none of the newbies joined Alito and Thomas in dissenting.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Good news but should have been a unanimous ruling, but not surprising that those 2 supremes would dissent. Tells me maybe we do need a couple more justices. I was also disappointed that the court didn’t have a stronger statement of condemnation for the lawsuit’s intent to overturn an election and damage our democracy, similar to what other courts have done.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    It is time for the “fat lady to sing.” Donnie, get your stunted fingers off Twitter, pack your bags, and concede. Not than anyone would expect the fu king moron to do the right thing for the first time in his sorry existence.

    But while we’re all waiting for 1/20/2021… memories … of when we had a real man as POTUS and a FLOTUS of whom we could be proud. Enjoy a real man singing:

    Gentle Joe, delightful Jill, VP-elect Kamala, and Doug the 2nd Dude, thank you all. As a nation we thought President Obama had entered the fires of hell created by Dubya and Cheney. How naïve were we? Moscow Mitch is still in the Senate prepared to continue selling out the nation. We’ll do our best to have your backs and remind everyone why “we do not have nice things” – Moscow Mitch and Republicons.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Now these nimrods need to be prosecuted for this treachery against our country!

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada @6, pardoning Nixon was a ‘soft’ mistake. Not prosecuting Dubya, Cheney and their war cabal was a tactical mistake. If Donnie, his family and entire maladministration of thieves and traitors are not prosecuted, that would be entering constitutional crisis territory. President Biden will be plenty busy cleaning up the damages to our bureaucratic institutions, economy and health ‘care’ system. He needs to divorce himself from DOJ and appoint Sally Yates or someone of similar caliber to bring the Drumpf Crime Cabal to justice.

    Myself? I’d start with Moscow Mitch’s finances. Then Leningrad Lindsey, RoHo and the rest of the suspects in the Senate. I do not think it is either hyperbole or exaggeration to investigate their sedition and treasonous support of the fu king moron for 4 years.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And potus pouts skipping his own WH Christmas party tonight. Wonder if melanoma will make an appearance. You know she hates having to decorate where she lives.
    He’ll be up tweeting vile things his cult should do now. Somebody better change his diapers.

  7. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Allen West, Chair of Texas’ State GOP, is already talking secession.

  8. Harry Eagar says:

    Trump: “Release the crooken!”

    Supremes: “Go home, crooken.”

  9. Personally, I was hoping the response would include that any state Attorney General who thinks one state has the right to dictate how another states election should be run shows an idiot who should be disbarred and fired.

  10. Essentially, SCOTUS said, “Get off my lawn! Except for Alito and Thomas who said, “You can go ahead and ring my doorbell but you guys are even too weird for us, so don’t expect an answer!

  11. And all those Rethugs in Congress who violated their oath of office to support the Texas Takeover need to face trial for attempted sedition along with all the AG’s etc. in other states who filed the petition. Why aren’t any of the folks who live in the “complaint” states forming a posse to get rid of the sedition attempters? Well, lets begin with basics. How many of them can even spell sedition. I bet they think its a new “game” on their cell phones!

  12. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Well, that’s a relief. Though Thomas’ comment “I express no view on any other issue” is kinda funny to contemplate.

    I had told my spousal unit that if they chose to hear the thing, I would be raiding the liquor store for cardboard boxes, and if they agreed with it we would be emigrating. Too much like 1938 Germany for me. So yes, trials for sedition for them all – including the Congresswoman from my district who signed on.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    On Newsmax, Alan Dershowitz just said that Trump has “very good lawyers.”

  14. Agree with Jane & PKM. MITCH is now as big of a problem as Trump.

  15. New York Times: “An Indelible Stain…” 12/12/2020 “…the president’s effort required the party to promote false theory upon unsubstantiated claim upon outright lie about unproved, widespread fraud….”

  16. Well that went well!

    I’d read that the Supremes’ decision to take an original jurisdiction case is based on a 5-4 or better vote “for”. So I gather the vote went 2-7, including the three spares Drumpf appointed.

    Even my 2-year old grandson realized Texas lacked standing: Texas had no dog and there was no fight.

    The 107 Fascists signed on merely to insure that the Drumpf Kool-Aid chuggers continue to vote Fascist, and to get some rub-off from Drumpf, after Drumpf dies. (Dies. I do like the sound of that.)

    Now the Fascists can bury all that. These aren’t the votes we were looking for. Move along.

  17. @Caren

    Moscow Mitch has been “the” problem for at least 10 years and maybe before that. His overt racism goes back to the time of Obama’s administration. The act of blocking the confirmation a Supreme appointment pushed him to near the top of my Sh!t List where he has remained.

  18. AlanInAustin ... says:

    There’s only one thing left for Trump to do: Create the Supremer — make that the Supremiest Court and order it to overturn all other decision.

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    He probably thinks that since he hired Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett, he can fire them.

    I heard that at least one state has already organized armed security for its electors on Monday.

    Thirty-nine days…

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    You know, Maria bartiromo has been angling to be the go to Fox commentor for getting the most deviant guests. She’s definitely in the top tier along with Lou dobbs. This morning she had Kenny Paxton on for his plan “b” to get his pardon. He’s going to go state by state to get repugnanticans to somehow agree with him and overturn the election. With the EC voting tomorrow, he better hurry. Texas proud dumb boy.
    Then she has Michael nut job felon martial law Flynn flam man on to talk about how Americans are not going to allow the inauguration of Biden happen. He yelled and incited the proud boys at their nazi style rally yesterday in DC. Later a proud boyish boy shot a counter protester in WA state, then coward behind his mates. Nuts with big guns. And by the way, Trumpf took credit for this “movement.”
