Scott Walker Can Kiss My Big Blue Butt

April 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Can somebody please explain to me what special kind of crazzzy person doubles down when facing a tough recall election?  Scott Walker is giving the keys to Wisconsin to the steeple people.

You know, I kinda feel bad for the Super DeLux Brand Christians.  I mean, none of their core beliefs are in the Bible.  That’s gotta hurt, not to mention making Sunday Sermons mighty short.

But what they lack in Biblical foundation, they make up for in buying politicians.

Not only did Scott Walker repeal the state’s enforcement mechanism for pay discrimination lawsuits, making paying women less not only easier, but highly encouraged, he also went after women’s health and sex education.

What is it he doesn’t like about women?  Have we hurt his feelings or something?  Has he watched too many Father Knows Best reruns?

And here’s the clincher.

Scott Walker’s campaign, asked for comment, replied, “Governor Walker is solely focused on sharing his pro-jobs, pro-growth message and his plans for using the foundation that has been laid to move Wisconsin forward.”

What is pro-jobs about paying women less for doing the same job as a man? That seems pro-Neanderthal employer, but hardly helpful to single moms.

No matter how much they want to go back to the 1950’s with no birth control, women mopping the kitchen in high heels, and …. whoa, that’s it.  It’s that whole mopping the floor in high heels, ain’t it?  That’s what he wants to see.

Oh yeah, by the way, the war on caterpillars just launched a Walker missal.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

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