
November 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think we need a scorecard for the Republican primary.  We should give point on which candidates support the most gun un-laws.

Today Greg Abbott went down to Corpus Christi to speechify instead of doing his job in Austin.  Now understand I’m not complaining about that because Texas is far better off when Greg Abbott doesn’t do his job.

Republican candidate for governor Greg Abbott said Tuesday he supports making it legal to openly carry handguns in public…

The Texas attorney general promised that if elected he also would support allowing guns on college campuses.

I have a bet with Thelma, $10 cash money and a trip to the All You Can Eat Chili and Donut Emporium, that by mid January, all the Republican candidates will be wanting a law forcing anyone of the age of 7 to openly carry a weapon and 40 rounds of ammo in their back pocket.

And in the Texas Lt. Governor race, it’s gonna be the first one to actually shoot a kill somebody.



Finland?  Seriously?  Finland?  Finland and Tokyo?  He knows Tokyo ain’t a country, right?

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Scorecard”

  1. Dan Patrick may well defeat Dewhurst in the race for the GOP nomination for Lt. Governor. Dewhurst has been moving to the right including looking for non-existence jars of urine but Dewhurst will not be able to sound as crazy as Dan Patrick

  2. Well, Africa is a country, isn’t it? Republicans – geography is a liberal idea.

  3. Open carry for college students? Can you just see all the freaked out mommas and papas pulling their kids off campus and sitting them in front of the computer at home to do on-line courses for a degree! All those on-line outfits will absolutely love Ab-Butt but U-T and all the other schools will not be able to continue due to incredibly decreased enrollment. Even if the dedicated Gunslingers J.G. stick it out on campus, they are going to be damn lonely and have to worry about whether or not their school will be able to continue. Nice call, Ag-Butt!

  4. Just about an hour ago in Pittsburgh, 3 students were ambushed and shot as their high school was dismissing. Nobody was killed, but the police were there instantaneously and have already arrested four people. Can you imagine the carnage if the all the students had been armed?

  5. Angelo_Frank says:

    I wonder if Über-Conservative Greg Abbott would observe the rights of private business or launch law suits, against any national retail establishment that doesn’t desire a bunch of gunslingers roaming their store aisles, itching for a shoot-out? “Shopper down on aisle 3. Bring mop, bucket and stretcher.”

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I was going to be embarrassed for Texas but then I read the one from maryelle. Sigh. Tragic. What’s the Dominionists’ position on kids under twelve carrying guns and ammo openly?

  7. Two words… Charles Whitman.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    I just read about him on Wikipedia. All the folks promoting gun carrying should be required to read that account. Or do you think they think if they’d been there with guns things would have been different?

  9. Speaking of the Governor’s race … I just read this tonight, so I thought I’d pass it along: Tomorrow Leticia is expected to announce her intention to run for Lt. Gov. with Wendy:

    Houston Chronicle: Sources: Van de Putte will run for lite guv, announcement tomorrow

    GAME ON, indeed! 🙂

  10. I remember someone saying in reply to the idea of needing a good guy with a gun to beat a bad guy with a gun: When the police get there and there are two with guns, how do they know which is the good guy.

  11. Guns and keg parties….now, who would ever be against that combination?

  12. If this trend continues, they will have to start having duels instead of primaries.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I’m excited about VandePutte running for lieutenant governor. I figure anyone who can run a household with six children in it could handle the Legislature.

  14. Wendy Davis AND Leticia Van de Putte may make this election verrry interesting.

    I have a standing bet that Abbott won’t appear in any substantive debates with Wendy. If he does, she will hand him his head.

    Dewhurst, Patrick, and Staples, on the other hand, are vain enough to go up against Leticia in a debate, especially since they can run in a pack like the low dogs they are. It would make good TV: three dull, witless old farts against a smart, accomplished, attractive, real woman.

    We should never underestimate the sexism in this state, but this could be the ticket that turns the tide.

  15. @Marge lol

  16. I could feel at least 20 points of IQ trickling out my ears as I watched that video.

    Some years back someone suggested that all a GOP candidate needed to do was stand up and say, “Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan….” Now it’s “Guns guns guns guns guns….”

    I am proud to live in a state that has increased regulations on guns since a bunch of first-graders were shot down in their classroom.

  17. Is Piers Morgan running for something? I didn’t know.

    Oh right… he does, from time to time express his objection to “merica’s” gun culture.

    Might as well run against him…… and Obama….as long as you are going to make a ridiculous tv campaign video.

  18. Back to that comment regarding carrying a rifle in a retail store: I work for a famous department store. We have talked about this amongst ourselves. You walk in with a gun, we walk out. This is not from corporate, or even from the managers, just the salespeople. Can you imagine someone doing this on Black Friday? I’m sorry, I forgot we are now all open on Thanksgiving.

  19. da Chipster says:

    I think we should encourage more of this amongst the various and sundry GOP wannabe gunslingers. In fact, we won’t even NEED a scorecard. Just a tournament bracket.

    Remember the movie The Quick and the Dead? Gene Hackman runs a town called Redemption in the Old West where they have a single elimination gunslinging tournament, and I do mean “elimination.” (description my own, not crimped from Wikipedia, RAND!)

    I say we get him down there and have him run the Texas Republican Primary system. All the candidates strap on their “shootin’ arns” and get seeded into the brackets.

    Of course, we will have a lot of March Madness-type pools to make some extra dough on the process.

    Last man standing (or sitting, in Abbott’s pull-the-lawsuit-ladder-up-behind-me case) is the nominee.

    Not only will this give the GOTP the opportunity to prove they are the rootinest tootinest gun-totinest cowboys East of the Pecos, it will also thin the herd of knuckleheads we normal folk have to deal with in the future.

    All we need now is a corporate sponsor and a FOX Sports TV contract.

  20. To Timbo @8:59 pm

    In one sense you are wrong, these guys will NOT get their asses handed to them in a debate. Facts and reality do not matter to most of these guys and most of the people who support them. Barton has admitted making stuff up (pretty serious for a historian), yet somehow the wingnuts still think he is an authority.

    I wish these people would spend less time thinking about “freedom” (which always sounds like conformity and obedience coming from them) and more time thinking about reality.

  21. Repugs don’t let ” no steenkeen” facts get in the way of their diatribes.

  22. UPDATE ON LETICIA: Her Lt. Gov. announcement has been moved back to tomorrow, i.e. Friday:

    Houston Chronicle: Van de Putte announcement expected tomorrow
