Scientific Fact: Darlin’, Rick Perry Plus David Gregory Equals Inhumane.

May 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Governor Duh went on Meet David Gregory this morning.  (It is not Meet the Press.  The press ain’t there.  David Gregory is there.  And, hell, he ain’t all there.)

David Gregory must be scraping bedrock if Rick Perry is the best he can do.  Rick Perry never knew much and he forgot most of that.

So anyway, Ole Rick has this to say.

rickperryfingerPerry, whose state has put more prisoners to death than any other since 1976, acknowledged that Lockett’s execution was “botched” but stopped short of calling it “inhumane.”

“I don’t know whether it was inhumane or not, but it was botched,” Perry said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “There’s an appropriate way to deal with this and obviously something went terribly wrong.”

Now I want to tell you that Rick Perry is from a  state where we execute innocent people.  But, dammit, we don’t botch it.  We kill them dead right off the bat.  To Rick Perry, it’s humane because we don’t dig them up every five years for a damn booster shot.

I don’t like Rick Perry and always will.

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0 Comments to “Scientific Fact: Darlin’, Rick Perry Plus David Gregory Equals Inhumane.”

  1. It’s hard to say whether Rick Perry’s refusal to accept funds for Medicaid services in Texas is simply botched policy, or inhumane. But then, how to decide? Let’s just call it both.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Both, definitely.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Add pRick and Davey to a long list with Sean Hanratty to be water boarded to enhance their appreciation of torture. These dumb fools would need to jump off a cliff to comprehend the landing would be painful. Empathy and critical thinking are not in their package.

  4. Wow, he might be a liberal! I mean, he acknowledged that the execution didn’t go as planned.

    At this rate, he’s going to wind up getting labeled a RINO.

  5. TexasTowelie says:

    It’s telling that the MDG (oops, MTP) producer decided to quit this week and defect to ABC. You know that saying about the last rat on a sinking ship…

  6. If they think these executions are inhumane, the Sultanate of Brunei is phasing in sharia law. I expect there’s an opening for prison officials experienced in stoning.

  7. There is something odd about a state that happily uses public money to pay for lethal injections, but goes rabid at the notion of using public money to pay for injections that keep people healthy.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    LynnN, You are right, the refusal to give healthcare to the poor is just another form of capital punishment for the crime of poverty.

    “I just spent 60 days in the jail house
    For the crime of havin’ no dough
    Now here I am back out on the street
    For the crime of havin’ no where to go.

    Save your neck or save your brother
    Looks like it’s one or the other
    Oh, you don’t know the shape I’m in.”
    — J. R. Robbie Robertson (The Band)

  9. maggie says:

    MTP’s David Gregory is on the way out. Perry is the kind of “guest” you get when your ratings are so bad you need a microscope to see them.

    Not at all surprised at what Perry said about the Oklahoma execution. As far as he is concerned it is very obvious that he views prisoners as lab rats.

  10. Litlhorn says:

    So tired of this queen(And I am one so I can say it 🙂 In my Utopian Society where the world is actually correctly balanced, Ms Good-hair, and all those Prosecutors who withheld exonerating evidence in capital cases, as well as most of the Stand your Ground legislators and ALEC will be tried and convicted for what they are – murderers. I’d like to be a fly on the wall for them come judgement day, but that discussion is going to be a tweet at best and then a quick drop.

  11. Ted Powell says:

    maggie wrote: … it is very obvious that he views prisoners as lab rats.

    No. Lab rats are treated better—there’s an ethics committee.

  12. Zyxomma says:

    NBC should have had the courage to make Rachel Maddow the moderator of MTP after Tim Russert died. They didn’t, and look at the mess they made.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    Maybe Icky will volunteer to try out the next batch of chems on himself….
