Schmaltz Across Texas
You probably think I’ve already told you about all the wacky congressvermin in Texas. If so, you would think wrong.
Please meet Texas Congressitch John Culberson. Culberson is from the Houston area, grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and is part of the fringe group who wanted to pass a law making all Presidential candidates produce a birth certificate. And then he sponsored a bill that all veterans had to have Christian funerals whether that’s what the family wanted or not. Veterans are required to love Jesus, dammit.
Well, Culberson is given to delusional fits of grandeur. I swear on Momma’s kitchen table that Culberson can strut sitting down.
He’s mighty excited about congresstwits who represent 18% of the population shutting down 100% of the government. He is of the opinion that he’s a damn hero.
Prepare yourself for this.
No, seriously, prepare yourself. You may think you’re ready for the height of OMG WTF, but you are not. Deep breath.
Okay, tweet …
So Texas Republican Congressman John Culberson thinks he’s like the heroes of 9/11. Guts vs. Gall.
And at the Museum of Overinflated Egos, John has his own room.
Thanks to Norma for the heads up.