Schadenfreude and Stuff

March 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Edited!  I uploaded the same letter twice.  I fixed it now.

Remember when Louie Gohmert snuck back onto the House floor and said he’d made up his own rules and if you leave to go to the bathroom you can walk back in without passing through the metal detector?

Yeah, that didn’t work.

Here ya go – his notice he did a bad thing.  Click here to see better.



And his $5,000 fine. Click here to check that out bigger.



Now here’s the deal.  Gohmert is one of the poorest members of the House.  Seriously, he’s been a lawyer and judge and literally lives hand to mouth according to his financial statement. I do not know where all his money goes, but it goes somewhere.

So, $5,000 is going to hurt him and it could not happen to a more deserving person.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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