Say It Ain’t So!
Republican voter fraud?
The alleged signature forgeries continue to pile up in Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District, where paid campaign staffers for Rep. Scott Taylor (R-VA) have now been credibly accused of forging at least four dead voters’ signatures, and dozens of others’, on petitions to get an independent candidate on the ballot.
This is double dirty stuff because they did it to get an independent candidate on the ballot to take votes away from the Democrat. So they played “Fool The Voters” and registering dead people makes that all the easier to win. In short, they suck.
Lookie here, a Texas woman on probation voted before her supervised release for a felony and she got 5 years in prison for it.
Another woman, Maria Ortega, was a resident of Texas with a green card. She thought the green card gave her the right to vote. She got 8 years of hard time.
However, I do suspect that these Republican white boys will not be going to jail. Because … you know …
Thanks to Sarah for the heads up.