Sarah Sanders, Please Allow Me to Introduce You to Truth

December 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Sarah Huckybooboo Sanders says she wants to be remembered as “transparent and honest.”  Yeah well, I want to be remembered as the VaVoom Queen of Indianapolis Roller Derby but that ain’t happening neither, mainly because it never happened.

Raw Story did a compilation of The 6 Most Egregious Lies of Sarah Sanders.  Honey, I think we need to give a Pulitzer Prize to whoever narrowed it down to six.

My three favorites are the attack on Barack Obama for not doing as much as Donald Trump for black people, Trump didn’t know about the payment to Stormy Daniels, and the parent/child separation at the border.

You’re gonna have your favorites, too.

Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sarah Sanders, Please Allow Me to Introduce You to Truth”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Lace up your skates Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself! You still have potential for becoming the VaVoom Queen of Indianapolis Roller Derby. Whereas Sarah Chuck-a-Load Sandbag is forever stuck on “burning facts and using that ash to create a perfect smoky eye.”*

    *H/T Michelle Fox

  2. Transparent and honest?
    Maybe Sarah meant to say transparently dishonest?

  3. The Snark Is Gone. Albert King. /s

    This nightmare must end soon.

  4. Notice all the rats are jumping ship when it appears that there will be a shutdown.

    Hopefully no one points out to demented donnie that when faced with a budget he didn’t like that Rauner faced with similiar situation essentially shut down the Illinois State Gov. for what 2 years?

    Either the senate thuglicans find some principles, and a spine, and help with veto override or we will be in for a long nightmare ( worse then the one we are suffering through already)

    Sadly that “useful fool” schumer, back in nov., agreed to finance what the thugs want for entire year while leaving the institutions needed by their real constituents, versus hedge fund managers who own schumer, on the chopping block.

  5. How in the world could anyone narrow the firehose-like stream of egregious lies coming out of this WH from Spicey, the Mooch, and Scary to merely six (6)? 600 maybe. 6000 easily. But SIX???? Scary did that before noon on her first work day. Like during the job interview.

  6. slipstream says:

    Two simple steps are necessary in order to be remembered as transparent and honest:

    1. Be transparent.

    2. Be honest.

    Seems that no one ever told SHS about these two steps.

  7. @ Micr #5

    She won’t be able hide in bushes when she leaves.

  8. @Papa

    We won’t hate to see her go, but for other than Trace Adkins reasons, will love to watch her leaving. Like the Mooch and soooo many others in this maladministration, the 15 minutes is over.

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Transparent in that we can see right through her. Honest.

    Not sure it qualifies as a lie or merely dumb, but remember when she said Nancy Pelosi needs to smile more? Well, she’s smiling now.

  10. I’ve seen some pretty blankety-blank press secretaries over the years. Remember the one that Nixon had? But this chick is beyond unbelievable. Cannot for the life of me understand what keeps her in the WH with that job. Is she afraid to go home? Or is her father providing her a cheering section. Maybe he didn’t make it to the Prez level but by God he has one of his own family at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

  11. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I want to be remembered as financial consultant to Warren Buffet, technology guru to Bill Gates, and “bikini fitter to the stars”.

  12. The single most important qualification for the job of Trump’s press secretary is the ability to lie, not just with a straight face, but with rigor and passion and condescension towards the professional journalists who press her to tell the truth.
    I marvel that those journalists have not decided to boycott her
    ridiculous excuses for press conferences. Why do they bother?
