Sarah Sanders, Now a Burned-Out Hulk, Leaving the WH

June 13, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trump

CBS is reporting that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s spokesperson who, more than any other WH spokesperson in history, sold her soul to daily stand before the American people and spew lies and hate in a continuous stream, has apparently found her limit.  She’s out by the end of the year.  Her underling, Raj Shah, will follow her out the door.  I can just imagine who’s next. Unfortunately, Chuck Barris, aged host of the now defunct Gong Show, died last year.

God knows what we get next.

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0 Comments to “Sarah Sanders, Now a Burned-Out Hulk, Leaving the WH”

  1. That’s gotta be one of the filthiest jobs in the pres Animal Shithole deministration. The only one worse is the Orange Whore himself; AKA– Putie’s butt buddy and Lil Kim’s guppy.

  2. First of all, we need a world class liar, with no scruples, or conscience.
    Newt Gingrich?
    That little devil who sits on Trump’s shoulder? (either side)
    Bill O’Reilly?
    Dick Cheney with a shotgun?

  3. One of my best friends applied to most every law school in America right after she received her BS. She was accepted at one, in Washington state, which is a fur piece from Tejas. To make this work she needed a job in Seattle. She got one at a medical school near the law school. Her job, in the animal lab, involved emptying the stainless steel trays under lab animals. As you suspect, the trays were FULL of feces and urine. Lab safety policy required she be safety suited from head to foot, including rubber gauntlet gloves and boots.

    She told me tonight on the phone from Seattle she regarded her disgusting job as “better in every way” to that of Sarah Huckaloogie Sanders.

  4. Micr, I used to volunteer at a wildlife rehab facility and sometimes my job involved cleaning out the vultures’ outdoor pen. Imagine vulture poop. Imagine stuff vultures wouldn’t eat. Still “better in every way” than cleaning up after the… excuse me, I almost went all Scottish on his arse, and Mama would chase me down with a big cake of lava soap.

  5. slipstream says:

    I hear that Sarah Palin is available.

  6. Wow, slipstream, she’d fit right in.

  7. How about Heather Neuert, the former Fox Noisy, now at the State Dept (!), who told us last week that US’ relationship with Germany goes back to D-Day (!!).

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    Dennis Rodman, in recognition of his valuable assistance at the Singapore Photo Op. OR: Kanye West, It would be fabulous to have the press conferences delivered in rap.

  9. We have to wait until “the end of the year”? What kind of timeline is that? In Trump time that’s 20 years.

  10. Well, she’s come out denying the story. Imagine that.
    Whenever the hell she chucks it in, I’ve decided what I’m gonna miss the most about her tenure.
    It’s the pained, bemused, belittling condescension she inflicted on the people on the front lines of the fourth estate.
    If that isn’t taught in future journalism classes as the definition of the destruction of democracy and the advocacy for fascism, we are truly screwed.

  11. RepubAnon says:

    I’m guessing Trump himself will replace Sarah, using a sock puppet and wearing a Groucho glasses.

  12. maryelle says:

    Yes, P.P., one thing has remained constant in the succession of spokes-puppets, aggressive condescension. Melissa McCarthy had it down pat in her over-the-top portrayal of Sean Spicer, a la motorized lectern: Full-on Attack Mode.

  13. Rick Stelter says:

    She’s got a new gig, standing on the border and scaring immigrants away.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    A replacement for Sarah Chuck-A-Load Sandbag? Please, please, please don’t let it be Mercy Schlapp. While her name could be some fun, she isn’t.

  15. Yes!!! Sarah ‘Word Salad’ Palin has been chomping on the bit for the job as she can get her 15 minutes of fame everyday! And she doesn’t even have to sober up for it.

  16. Ha Slipstream just saw yours, brilliant minds and all that!

  17. easttxdem says:

    How ’bout Rudy? He’s already on board the Trump Trash Talk Train and has a proven record of talking out of both sides of his mouth, the top of his head and his ass…a genuine multi-tasker of bullsh*t.

  18. Wyatt Earl says:

    The world needs more Chuck Barris tags. Just sayin….

  19. Lunargent says:

    My guess for a replacement is Tami Lauren. She’s young, blonde, and utterly made of lies.

    KellyAnne, if course, is the consummate spinner/liar. But she looks like she’s been left out in the sun too long.

  20. Alec Jones. Honestly. Think about it. The only one crazy enough to fill the slot and actually want to do it.

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    maggie, sadly Alex Jones isn’t the end of the line of cra cra. If Donnie and the floundering ship SS Suckabee can wait until November, Devin Nunes and Matt Gaetz should be available. Both have Gish Gallop skills, have been vetted by Putie & Donnie for what they deem to be ‘loyalty,’ and by all Dotard45 standard are shovel ready. All else fails, any number of leggy blondes with low IQs are available from Murdock’s stable of not so stable not so genius ‘talent.’ And, before anyone thinks I am being sexist, not so fast. Steve Douchy and his low watt son, Peter could be contenders for the second lowest spot on Earth next to Donnie.

    Snakes and insects cheer as this maladministration causes their stock to rise.

    Lunargent , while Kellyanne Skull Anus Wrongway has alternative fact skills at microwave levels, her “loyalty” has become suspect as hubby George works valiantly to keep their personal brand floating in the fumes above the sewer.

    Aside to CNN and MSNBC. Stop. Just stop it with trying to normalize snacilbupeR of old. The men like Santorum are atrocious; all but dead and gone by any standard. And please, really?! Nicolle Wallace who can’t have an adult conversation about Donnie’s Stormy problem without giggling like a male incel teen or spox Elise Jordan, who by any standard has no standards after 2016 working for Rand Paul and his woman curb stomping crew.

    #EqualityforWomen It’s 2018. Equal pay and career opportunities beyond snacilbupeR prostitution.
