Sarah Palin’s Competition

June 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sharron Angle, the perpetual Harry Reid Republican opponent, has an opponent in the GOP primary this time.  His name is Joe Heck.

UnknownThings like names are hard on Sharron’s thinking mechanism.  In her printed newsletter and on her website, she told Republicans that her opponent’s website is

There’s a small problem with that.  That website is porn.  Joe Heck’s actual website is

Angle’s campaign tried to shake off some responsibility for the mistake in a statement to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, saying it “has absolutely nothing to do with this domain, and sincerely apologizes for this printing error, as the Heck campaign has changed their web address a number of times.”

But Brian Baluta, Heck’s campaign manager, said Heck has only ever used and for his campaigns.

There’s this thing that happens only to Republicans and it’s the damnest thing I’ve ever seen.  If they make a mistake, they are the victim.  She’s actually, “He tricked me into making a mistake because he changed his website name one time. I’m the victim of his evil plotting against all that is holy and good.”

By the way, I hate these people. They make me cringe.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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