Sarah Palin’s Competition

June 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sharron Angle, the perpetual Harry Reid Republican opponent, has an opponent in the GOP primary this time.  His name is Joe Heck.

UnknownThings like names are hard on Sharron’s thinking mechanism.  In her printed newsletter and on her website, she told Republicans that her opponent’s website is

There’s a small problem with that.  That website is porn.  Joe Heck’s actual website is

Angle’s campaign tried to shake off some responsibility for the mistake in a statement to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, saying it “has absolutely nothing to do with this domain, and sincerely apologizes for this printing error, as the Heck campaign has changed their web address a number of times.”

But Brian Baluta, Heck’s campaign manager, said Heck has only ever used and for his campaigns.

There’s this thing that happens only to Republicans and it’s the damnest thing I’ve ever seen.  If they make a mistake, they are the victim.  She’s actually, “He tricked me into making a mistake because he changed his website name one time. I’m the victim of his evil plotting against all that is holy and good.”

By the way, I hate these people. They make me cringe.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sarah Palin’s Competition”

  1. Marge Wood says:


  2. Are you sure this was a mistake? After all rthugs need their daily dose of porn.

  3. Larry from Colorado says:

    Are they even human?

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Crazy Sharron of the 2nd Amendment is feeling a little butt hurt that Michele Fiore of Bundy infamy is stealing some of her spotlight. NV snacilbupeR are the crazy cousins of cockroaches. They scurry to the light instead of away from it. Then, they whine and play the victim because light exposes their craziness.

  5. They have my attention: brownback [Ks], bevin [Ky], kasick/deWine [Oh], bently [Ala-damn!-‘Bama] and toro del caca aristes [Ar, Tn, Ms, Tx, Ok, Ga, S/NC, In, Ia, Wi, Mi, Az, Id, Ne, Mo, Il, WV,Ut & N/SD]. Half the United States is being mislead into the poor house at the same toime debtor prisons are being established to support corporate amerikka.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    Republicans: The party for people who refuse to take personal responsibility for their own actions. Perhaps they should change their party’s name to the Projection Party. After all, any time Republicans scream about something, it’s because they’re either planning on doing it themselves, or are already doing the action they condemn.

  7. I dunno if it’s fair to say that the Wasillabillies have competition. Juanita, that’s an act that, ya gotta admit, is hard to match. I guess you know by now that that Bristol and Dakota have just gotten hitched, after their on-again-off-again engagement. We dunno if there’s a pregnancy involved, but if there’s a birth announcement less than nine months from now, you’ll know there was a shotgun involved.

  8. Sharron Angle is providing porn links to voters? Isn’t that considered the promotion and dissemination of pornography?

    Her excuse sounds like something a 15 year old boy would try.

  9. Always somebody else’s fault. Like those “Christians” who know almost nothing from the Bible, but they do know that Jesus said they’d be persecuted, and they’re damn sure that everybody’s persecuting the snot out of them, especially the people they’re persecuting themselves.

  10. Joe Heck is another doctor who has turned against humanity? Where does the GOP find all those spoiled medicos?

  11. Must be something either in the air or the water in NV. And is everyone sure this is the same Sharon of a few years ago? Not an android that is geared and rolled out when necessary? Wouldn’t put it past them.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Not a thing wrong with any wingnut that a retroactive AND mandatory abortion won’t cure.

  13. Neighborm says:

    A failure of intelligence. Construe that as you wish.

  14. Pretty good epo. I support your plan.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, it’s all that radiation coming from Area 51. It has a special effect on the snacilbupeR. Those with two brain cells or less seem particularly susceptible. Sharron and Michele having been glowing in our limelight of infamy lately. But she’s still out there. She being Sue Lowden. Sue had the health care plan for NV. Raise chickens. Yes. Raise chickens and use them to barter with our doctors for health care.

    e platypus onion has a better plan: mandatory and retroactive abortion of all snacilbupeR. At a minimum, we should spay and neuter them before sending them to DeeCee. If the lunatic male contingent of Texas is to meet the lunatic female contingent from NV, we cannot allow the risk of them breeding.
