Sarah Palin is Speaking Yoda

August 28, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I figured it out.

sarah-palin-blueSarah has been using her time off to learn to speak word salad and Yoda!

She had this to say about Hillary Clinton —

If we were to elect someone who’s been part of the problem creating the socialism, really there is no hope.

Yeah, but we all know who is creating the dumb.

First they shoved Dan Quayle on us, then Sarah Palin, and now … well, 16 of the dumbest guys in America.


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0 Comments to “Sarah Palin is Speaking Yoda”

  1. They are all crash-test dummies (h/t to Prof. Krugman, And T-Rump speaks in the same tongue as Caribou Barbie, only with more malice.

  2. Really Sarah,

    If we allow someone to speak or whatever it is that comes out of your mouth, who has been part of the problem, stirring up all the racist, homophones and right wing evangelical loons, really there is no hope.

    So in the interest in saving our country, Shut Up !

  3. Do you suppose if they chained Palin to typewriter and made her type at random for a million years something sensible would come out?

    For a long time Repub politicians have appealed to stupidity and fear in their base. Now the politicians have themselves become base.

  4. Maybe Caribou Barbie and the 16 dwarfs should look into moving in together at Neverland Ranch. Somehow in my mind all that is both possible and appropriate.

  5. ms. palin has been speaking in word salad since she was first introduced to the wider world, nothing new on that account. she probably has always spoken that way, which might explain the need for five different colleges, all to get a degree in journalism, it took that many instructors to interpret her.

  6. Lack of self-awareness Sarah Palin has. In this one the projection is strong.

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Yup, that’s a Beauty Pageant contestant answer right there, folks!

  8. So now it’s “the socialism” that’s ruining our country.
    All that healthcare and social security and medicare and medicaid and help for poor families is destroying America.
    Certainly not republican obstruction of progress in more help for veterans, equal pay for women, help for students and the elderly, and general commitment to making life better for Americans. That’s the republican agenda: make life better for the wealthy(corporate subsidies and loopholes) and let the poor fall where they may. Somebody take her mic away.

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    OMG the look on her face. The wounded innocent deer (that she shot), the more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger patience (that she doesn’t have), the sacrificial virgin (which she’s not) nobly accepting the slings and arrows…etc….(which she doesn’t). It’s hard for mean-girl Sarah, Sarah who throws punches at parties, to pull off this look, but you can tell she’s trying.

    You had your fifteen months of fame, sweetie. Now shut up, go home, get an honest job like maybe waitress in a diner at the back end of nowhere.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Creating the socialism is code for straightening out dumbass dubya’s freaking train wreck of a presidency.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Tundra Tart is feeling butt hurt. Arizona has spoken and they would prefer 6 more years of McCain in his dotage than the quitter from Wasila.

    Bit of advice, Sarah: when Fox Not the News declares you irrelevant, it’s time to exit stage right.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    She is so beautiful. It’s a shame it doesn’t reflect in her speaking skills.

  13. @Marge Wood; Beauty lies in the soul; nuff said.

  14. Speak like Jedi? Conceivable it might be.
    Train Padawan Bristol, Trig, Willow, Track, Piper, Tripp in ways of force? Proof in Dagobah Pudding it is.

    Only add. Palin family mixed more up than milk, egg, sugar in Dagobah Pudding it is.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    SnowGrift Snoozie teed off on ESPN for suspending little league announcer Curt Schilling for a tweet about Muslims and Nazis.

  16. In order to hold onto her title, “The Dumbest Woman in America,” she has to emerge occasionally and spout more idiocy. I’ve never thought of her as “beautiful” and never will — her picture should be in the dictionary beside “nincompoop.”

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Snoozie did win Miss Congenitalia in the Ice Box pageant or something like that, back in the day.

  18. If you have Netflix Streaming, find the movie “Iron Sky.”
    It’s the year 2016, and a woman is President with a Nordic Tracker exercise machine in the oval office, and a stuffed Polar Bear on one side of her desk, and stuffed wolf on the other side. She commissions a new moon mission where the astronauts discover Nazis! They escaped earth in 1945 and have been living on the dark side (of the moon) awaiting the right time to return to earth.

    Not a great movie, maybe 2 stars out of 5, but extremely campy. I would not pay actual money to rent the DVD though.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Palin had a tanning bed in her office.

  20. Miss Congenitalia
    The Dumbest Woman in America
    SnowGrift Snoozie
    Tundra Tart
    Caribou Barbie

    Hysterical laughter here!!!!

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, thought the Wasilla Wendigo’s claim to fame was dumbest dog at the Iditarod. Or, as Miss Juanita Jean might say, The Dumber than Dog Dump trophy.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    She might be that dumb,but her thang and Tawd’s thang was the iron dog snow machine races.

  23. I’ll only comment on $carah Pay-me on Wonkette, where I can use the salty language required. Here, I must mind my manners and think of momma.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, “Iron Dog,” right you are sir. Isn’t that the event where Tawd proved to be as big a quitter as his grifter wife?

  25. One thing is certain, the farce is strong with this one!

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Here ya be,PKM. Even get tweets from the Grifter/Quitter. What luck!!

  27. AliceBeth says:

    If there was a website that guaranteed ” you will read nothing about Sarah Palin here” I would check it every day.

  28. I searched for “incoherent crap” at You Tube. Her speeches were among the first results.

  29. UmptyDump says:

    Are caribou big enough to just run over Barbie and stomp her into the permafrost?

  30. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Okay, but I want to know what the heck ever happened to Todd Palin? He has been out of sight for a LONG time. And. come to think of it, when I sent Sarah a Christmas card last year . . . Hey, wait a minute . . . You don’t think . . . . she wouldn’ta . . . Oh dear, where is that poor sweet man? Anyone?

  31. e platypus onion says:

    One caribou against a sow grizzly isn’t a fair fight. Caribou are definitely smarter. They know in order to stop a charging sow grizzly,just take away her credit cards.

    Snookie’s brain is wired different from yours or mine. When you mention moose chili to her she starts to knit large sweaters.

  32. @Debbo

    My personal favorite is Psycho Barbie, but you don’t hear that so much any more.

    @Mark Schlemmer
    She may have just cooked and ate ole Todd, ala Jeffrey Dahmer or Alferd Packer.

  33. OMG am waiting for the day The Trumpister selects the Quitter from AK Sarah Palin as his VP. OMG President Dumb and VP Dumber. You just can’t make things up.

  34. Hey! Cut her some slack. (To the Univ. of Idaho’s shame) she’s a communications major. At five colleges.
