Sarah Palin and Malice

June 01, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sarah Palin sued the New York Times, claiming they defamed her in 2017.

Okay, I will give you that it’s particularly difficult to defame Sarah Palin.  If Game Change didn’t do it —


… nothing can.

Palin lost her libel case against the New York Times yesterday. To win a libel case, you have to prove that the person you are suing either knew or should have known that what they said about you is false, and that they recklessly disregarded it. Malice is the word lawyers use.

She lost. And I think the New York Times didn’t gloat as much as we all wanted them to.

It’s a little thing. But with the way the world is spinning now, little joys seem bigger.


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