Sanctuary Cities

June 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Democrats oppose having the police ask every brown person in Texas to produce proof of citizenship.  We oppose it  on humanitarian and constitutional grounds.

Come to find out, Republicans oppose it, too.  They, however, oppose it on economic grounds.

While Republicans love to use the term “illegal immigrant” to blame all of society’s woes, when push comes to shove, as it is currently doing in the Texas Lege, the big Republican boys go all, “whoa, whoa, now, let’s pull in on them reins just a minute here.”

While their big long explanation letter includes constitutional and political reasons to oppose the Produce Your Papers bill, the real reason they oppose it that that Bob Perry could not have gotten rich except on the backs of low paid undocumented workers.  Who’s going to work 7 days a week in unsafe conditions with no benefits to build our houses?  Who’s going to mow our yards, clean our pools, or mop our floors?

So now the Texas Republican Party is in the unrare situation of having to complain bitterly about something they have no intention of fixing.  That’s always fun.

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