Ryan Zinke Makes Trump Look Sane
Y’all, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is head clown at a goat rodeo.
Listen to this stuff.
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Monday that nearly one-third of employees at his department are not loyal to him and President Donald Trump, adding that he is working to change the department’s regulatory culture to be more business friendly.
Uh, goofy me. I thought they were supposed to be loyal to the United States of Damn America. You know, unlike Zinke and Trump.
And then you’d think they were a damn football team.
Zinke, a former Navy SEAL, said he knew when he took over the 70,000-employee department in March that, “I got 30 percent of the crew that’s not loyal to the flag.”
Loyal to the flag? Well hell’s bells, I certainly want people loyal to a piece of cloth running my government. I dunno, I think that if you put a flag on Trump’s ample rump, they might salute that.
Zinke’s comments echo complaints by some White House allies that a permanent, “deep state” in Washington has sabotaged Trump’s efforts to remake the government.
Well, thank God, because Zinke wants to make “huge” changes to the Interior Department that include the endangered species act, drilling permits, and the national park system. In short, he wants a government run by the petrochemical industry.
And then ….
Zinke also offered a quirky defense of hydraulic fracturing, a drilling technique also known as fracking that has led to a years-long energy boom in the U.S., with sharply increased production of oil and natural gas.
“Fracking is proof that God’s got a good sense of humor and he loves us,” Zinke said without explanation.
Because there ain’t no explaining crap like that.