Russians in Sanders’ Campaign? Damn Possible

July 21, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Russians

File under You Can’t Make This Up:

It started a few days ago in RW Nutjob Land (I never link to RW Nutjob sites, so you’ll have to find it yourself), but this story has legs and deserves covering.  This story is about Tad Devine who was…wait for it…Bernie Sanders chief strategist during the 2016 election.  Devine is a long-time advisor and strategist for Democratic candidates, even being senior advisor to both Al Gore and John Kerry for their presidential runs.  He’s also been an international political consultant, (and this is where it gets weird), he partnered with Paul Manafort to advise Viktor Yanukovych, the Russian backed strongman who is now in exile in Russia after being removed from power in 2014 for corruption and suppression of protests and the press.

What’s really bad for Devine (and us) is that Mueller’s most recent indictment contains many exhibits of communication between Devine and Manafort, and even Russian-born Konstantin Kilimnik, who is under indictment by Mueller.  This association feeds the rumors that Sanders was part of a vast conspiracy by the Russians to get Hillary.  No one knows yet if that storyline is true, but it damn sure looks bad;  it’s unknown if the Russians had some inroad into Sanders campaign, but there is certainly a possible onramp.  This one will be interesting to follow.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

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