Russian Hacking: Chilling and Infuriating at the Same Time

December 14, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election

Yesterday the New York Times published an explosive story detailing the boldness of two Russian hacking groups infiltration of government and political party computer systems and the stupidity of those, especially at the DNC, that allowed both groups access to EVERYTHING for over a year.  The “IT Guy” was a part timer, who ignored multiple attempts by the FBI to warn the DNC that they were compromised, and especially makes the FBI look inept because no one from the agency went to actually visit higher ups to report that they knew the DNC was hacked and who was doing it.

Most disturbing was the complicity of the media when it was clear what was going on when the daily email dumps began, and how the Republicans, trying to win the election by hook or crook (emphasis on crook) refused to cooperate with the Dems and the Obama administration to go public with what they knew.  Infuriating is the fact that the hackers got in like they do to unsuspecting people every day, with a fake Google or other provider email saying “click here to change your password”.  You would think that government and party staff would know better, but apparently not.

The result is that the Russians actually helped Cheeto Jesus get elected.  The continuous noise of the email and document dumps, the uncritical and breathless reporting by the media added to the stupidity of DWS and other DNC leadership all came together in the conflagration we are seeing today.

All of this could have been prevented, but we are now in a post democracy era where party trumps country (no pun intended).

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