
September 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You guys probably heard that Rush Limbaugh was claiming earlier this week that Irma was a liberal  “hoax” to push their goofy ideas about climate change.  Rush claimed that the weather men were all part of the conspiracy because they knew for a fact that Irma was never going to hit land, and that it would float blissfully out to the Atlantic.

Rush said that grocery stores were in on the hoax to sell groceries and that bottled water companies were counting their profits, too.

Yesterday, Rush announced that he is fleeing from this elaborate hoax perpetrated on his Florida radio studio.

“May as well… announce this. I’m not going to get into details because of the security nature of things, but it turns out that we will not be able to do the program here tomorrow,” Limbaugh said Thursday. “We’ll be on the air next week, folks, from parts unknown.”

Limbaugh said the show will be back on the air Monday, but to be on the air Friday would be “legally impossible” for them do to the show out of South Florida.

“Legally impossible?”  More like … impossible to talk while drowning.

On the same show, he said …

“The views expressed by the host of this program [are] documented to be almost always right 99.8 percent of the time,” Limbaugh said right before announcing he would be leaving South Florida for parts unknown. “There is a reason for that because we engage in a relentless and unstoppable pursuit of the truth and we find and proclaim it and that happens to drive people crazy.”

And, Honey, for Limbaugh’s listeners, that’s a 3 minute drive.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Rush!”

  1. There’s a special place in a warm location for Rush and Florida ain’t it! Thing is he knows better, he knows climate change is real, that Irma is deadly, that his conspiracy theories are nuts and that his craziness is damaging our country – he just doesn’t care.

  2. Was waiting for this to happen! There is no way he can smooth this over!

  3. This isn’t nice – but then neither is the subject. Too bad he doesn’t stay through this “hoax.” But I guess he isn’t capable of producing his madness over the air alone – so for all the support staff, I am glad they are leaving.

    Isn’t it amusing he is fearful to divulge his location for next week?

  4. It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s that he make a very good living off all the poor suckers who lap his spittle up.

  5. Flush Slimeball would weather the storm surge just fine. His generous fat layer would allow him to float like a cork.

  6. 1smartcanerican says:

    Sorry, but Florida officials should have forced this idiot to remain on the air so that he could continue to spout his totally false conspiracy theories and then his faithful listeners could hear the truth when he goes screaming into the wind along with the building he is in. What a poor excuse for a human!

  7. So, Rushbo has “Security Concerns” does he? I’ll bet he does. He either 1) doesn’t want to face the people he’s been snookering for years; or 2) doesn’t want to have to help anybody else get out of Dodge. He already has no advertisers; so, why is this fool still on the air?

  8. This jackwagon and that Coulter fool– no reason for anyone sane to listen to a word they say. I’m even sorry I read the above, though it pointed out what a pathetic liar he is. I wish he’d stay and have his building fall on him.

  9. publius bolonius says:

    Just mentioned to a friend a day or two ago – Palm Beach could use a good scrub.

  10. Security concerns? Does he think he’s the president or something?

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    “Legally impossible” because of mandatory evacuation. I’m certain his staff had their concerns, y’know, like surviving. He doesn’t do his thing all by his lonesome. Who would get his coffee?

    Frankly… it’s nice to know a rich, bullcrap pusher can get out and be safe. I’ll spend my concern on the poors and low-income folks. I hope they all can get out and be safe.

  12. Unfortunately for Rush’s listeners, the 99.8% of the time he’s right is when he’s off the air. Like when he orders the exact meal he wanted at a restaurant. Or hits the correct button on his remote control.

  13. Rush is always right – far right. He sure isn’t center…

  14. Seems to be a plague of hurricanes this year.

    During the plagues of the middle ages people of means were advised to; Avoid human contact, Go far and stay long.
    Let us only hope that Rush Lowbrow will heed this ancient advise.

  15. Rush states “I’m not going to get into details because of the security nature of things….”.

    what security nature of things, like telling your probation officer your leaving the state, like finding a secure place to park your plane, or afraid someone will loot your OxyContin supply?

  16. e platypus onion says:

    What Punditfact thinks of Rusty Limpaw’s claim to be 98% fact.

    Rush Limbaugh is a conservative radio talk show host. His website describes him as “America’s Truth Detector; the Doctor of Democracy; the Most Dangerous Man in America; the All-Knowing, All-Sensing, All-Everything Maha Rushie; defender of motherhood, protector of fatherhood and an all-around good guy.”
    The PolitiFact scorecard

    Mostly True2 (5%)(2)
    Half True5 (13%)(5)
    Mostly False10 (26%)(10)
    False11 (29%)(11)
    Pants on Fire10 (26%)(10)

    I wouldn’t quit my day job if I wuz you, Rusty.

  17. slipstream says:

    Awww, c’mon, Rush. Prove it’s a hoax. Chain yourself to the end of the pier.

  18. Let us all send a white feather, the traditional sign of cowardice, to Rushbo.

    “Legally impossible” means the emergency people wanted only accurate information broadcast.

  19. I looked up irrelevant and found a picture of Palin and rush

  20. If natural disasters like hurricanes, tornados, blizzards and forest fires were the results of God’s wrath, people like Limbaugh, Coulter and their ilk would be sucked up and flung into the deepest part of the ocean.

    Mother Nature is definitely pissed.

  21. Tilphousia says:

    Don’t wish Rush o and Coulter on the ocean. It’s polluted enough.

  22. Something GOOD to come of this terrible killer storm – Rush will be off air!!!


  23. Linda Phipps says:

    Just about the only almost true thing that Rush opined is that the “media” has over sold the storm for profit. As a constant continuous, viewer of as it was called on this site “disaster porn”, I agree. And it’s not only the media, Florida’s own AG has come out with a statement that price gougers will be prosecuted. I have cause for constantly watching, I have a relative who has chosen to stay put on Key West. As for Rush, he could fall into the ocean for all I care, he himself is gouging people’s minds with his ranting.

  24. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Blasting Limbaugh is always fun, but I can’t help thinking of his dittohead listeners. Yes, many of them believe vile things and they listen to Limbaugh to get their dose of addictive poison.

    But (insert your own Momma-angering word here) it, there are a lot of people that just don’t know how awful he is, and really believe him — and are surrounded by a constant stream of him, and Hannity, when a co-worker turns them on, or in the carpool going home. (He–ll too many of them grew up with their parents having him on at home — the way my mothers, generally liberal, still listened to Fulton Lewis Jr. But Lewis was only on for 15 minutes a day, his poison didn’t sink in. Limbaugh lasts for hours and sometimes is, even in his vileness, generally funny, even if you later regret laughing.)

    These people don’t read blogs like this, or Media Matters, or Right Wing Watch, or Hatewatch. Rush is the High Priest of ‘truthiness’ but his listeners, like the pewsitters hearing the words of a vile preacher — aren’t necessarily vile themselves. Many of them are simply innocent fools who literally don’t know better.

    Sadly, many of them are the age and sun-needing enough they are in Florida. And — since Rush did not withdraw his hoax claims — too many of them may choose to ‘stay in place’ and will, simply, die from his spouting.

    Maybe it will finally wake up some of his audience, but what a cost it will be. It’s easy to say ‘they deserve what’s coming to them’ — but, to paraphrase a well-known fictional character ‘let he who has never been a fool or fallen for a con cast the first stone.’

  25. It would be great if there was some sort of mandatory follow-up on how these guys’ predictions pan out.

    It seems like when they say, “Mark my words!” people ought to hear whether they were right.

  26. Charles R Phillips says:

    Rush is 300lbs of shyte in a thousand dollar suit.
