Runs In The Family

March 22, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita’s foreign correspondent from one of those foreign states filed this report today —

Dear Juanita,

I personally know how much you LOVE LOVE LOVE all things DeLay. This is just too delicious not to share with you and the girls at the WMDBS.

Somebody needs to stop these germs, I mean genes, from spreading!

Fenway Fran

Yes, siree, Bobtail, Gunner DeLay, no seriously, that’s his name and he’s Tom DeLay’s cousin to boot,  is calling for “civil disobedience” to fight the health care bill.   Damn, that’s entertainment.

“What’s he going to do to stop health care?  Make stop washing their hands?  Force feed people cholesterol?  Sneeze on people?  I mean, can we get a moving picture show of these things?”  Juanita wants to know.

Civil disobedience?  Over health care? Cripes, yall, I may have to retire because all the truly funny people are perfectly serious.


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0 Comments to “Runs In The Family”

  1. You mean y’all been hangin’ out here for two years and I just found it a few months ago?
