UPDATED: Running Start: GOP Dismantles Office of Congressional Ethics

January 02, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Congress

UPDATE:  As Juanita Jean has already pointed out, Congressional Republicans reversed themselves on dismantling the Office of Congressional Ethics after withering criticism from everyone including Cheeto Jesus.  An embarrassing start to what promises to be an embarrassing Congressional session.

Oh, and BTW – Best Tweet of the Day:

Well, we now know how this is going to go.  In it’s first action of the new Congress, Republicans dismantled the independent Office of Congressional Ethics which was put in place after the Jack Abramoff scandal.  You remember Jack, don’t you?  He was the guy who confessed to multiple counts of corruption during the GWB administration leading to the conviction of 21 officials all the way up to the White House.  I guess we don’t need no oversight anymore, yes?

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