Rudy Will Never Learn

May 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Russians, Trump

File under “Tone Deaf to Tone Deafness”, Rudy Giuliani thought it would be a really good idea to go to Ukraine to dig for dirt on Hunter Biden, Joe’s youngest son, who has been on the board of Burisma, a Ukranian oil company.  He was also seeking out Ukranian prosecutors to urge them to launch investigations of the younger Biden.  Apparently, he was also seeking information about who in Ukraine may have spoken to Robert Mueller’s investigators.  You read that correctly; even after two years of investigations into Trump’s connections to the Russians and Ukrainians (and thousands of denials from Trumpland), Rudy Giuliani thought it would be a good idea to…wait for it…ask the Ukrainians for help in the 2020 election.

When word got out about the trip, the press pounced, causing a media storm, and the Dems piled on, shaming Rudy to the point where he cancelled the trip.  He attributed the cancellation to “spin” from the Dems, not to his own tone deafness and stupidity.

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