
December 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Presidential hopeful and United States Senator Marco Rubio either speaks a different language than I do or operates in an entirely alternate universe.  Could be either or both.

220px-Marco_Rubio,_Official_Portrait,_112th_CongressRubio has been making stump speeches railing against the spending package as a “massive, grotesque piece of legislation.”  Goodness sake, you’d think we were killing kittens with the way he talks.

But, hell, it’s only talk, and Rubio is real good at talk.  Ask him to walk and he stumbles.

When CBS News asked him why he didn’t bother to go vote against the spending package …

Asked why he wouldn’t make his point about the spending package by physically being on Capitol Hill, Rubio said his message was clear.

“In essence, not voting for it, is a vote against it,” said Rubio.

Uh, wanna ‘splain that to me again?   That’s not how math works.  I’m pretty sure of that.

And what makes this eye-roll weird is that the day before, he was on Fox News  …

Rubio’s absence from the Senate on Friday was a bit surprising because he suggested on Fox News’ “Happening Now” a day earlier that he could try and slow down the spending package and interfere with the process leading up to the final vote.

“We can most certainly slow this process down and force them to go back and make changes to it. There’s no doubt that we can and we should and we will,” he said.

I dunno if he was drunk or lost but he didn’t show up.  And it was after he promised to show up and spit in the punch bowl.

I’m betting on lost.  Bless his heart, not only is her lost, he’s losing to a wild man.


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