Rosa Cruz

July 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz has hired himself a herd of writ twits and is suing the Federal Elections Commission over $10,000.

Cruz, as Buzzfeed reported in April, “is suing to get rid of limits on how much he can reimburse himself for his campaign against Beto O’Rourke.” Cruz loaned his own campaign $260,000, but legally can only repay himself $250,000. He wants the remaining $10,000.

For a guy who is worth close to $4 million, this seems a little petty.

Until, of course, you understand this is about more than money for Cruz.  It’s a chance to follow in the footsteps of great Americans.

Cruz argues in court on official documents that … you kinda need to prepare yourself for this … not letting him get his $10,000 is just like telling Rosa Parks to sit on the back of the bus. Just like it.

The rich white straight privileged guy is the victim here.  You know, just like Rosa Parks. Ted Cruz has become the very people he cheerfully oppressed.

Next week’s trick: Ted Cruz nails himself to the cross.

Look if Rosa Parks had $250,000, she wouldn’t have been taking the damn bus. So just shuddup.

And if Ted went ahead and wrote himself a check for the $10,000 and then went to jail as a matter of principle, I’d give the boy some scratching room, but he won’t do that.  Wanna know why? Because he’s not one damn thing like Rosa Parks.


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