Ronny Jackson’s Problem With Time

April 20, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Texas CD-13’s Ronny Jackson has a problem with his past, (present, and future tenses). Time is a human construct, but it would seem to be somewhat of an elusive concept to the Texas congressman.

I shall explain.

On his congressional website, Jackson refers to himself as a “retired Rear Admiral.” As in

“As a retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral with nearly three decades of military service I understand the commitment and sacrifices made by servicemen and servicewomen to serve our country.”


“In December 2019, after 25 years of distinguished service to his country, Dr. Jackson retired from the United States Navy as a Rear Admiral.”

Ronny Jackson is not a retired Rear Admiral.

Not anymore.

Before his congressional job, Dr. Jackson was TFG’s favorite doctor who once claimed that, except for his dietary choices, TFG “might live to be live to be 200 years old.”

200 years. That’s a lot of time for a human lifespan.

But not everyone was held in high esteem by Jackson. As explained in a DOD inspector general report released in March 2021, Jackson was abusive to doctors and nurses on his staff at the White House, and “established a workplace where fear and intimidation were kind of hallmarks with him…”.

As a result of the report, Ronny Jackson was demoted to Captain in July 2022, which was retroactively applied back to his 2019 retirement.

And while his past demotion is yet to be noted in the present on his congressional website, his retirement pension certainly does reflect his present rank.

Time problems tend to follow Ronny around.

In a March 13, 2024 local news article, Jackson’s efforts for his district were touted: “Due to Jackson’s efforts, over $200 million specifically designated for the district was included in” the Fiscal Year 2024 Government funding package.

Great, huh? What a wonderful provider for his district.

But only 9 days into the future, the same Ronny Jackson voted against the same funding package. His vote is listed there among the 134 Nay votes in the March 22, 2024 vote.

Albert Einstein once wrote:

“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

I can only conclude that Einstein’s proposition might be playing itself out in Ronny Jackson’s own mind.

0 Comments to “Ronny Jackson’s Problem With Time”

  1. Only partially OnT or OffT [Jackass Jackson is included]:
    [I just posted this on another thread, but this one by 1/2MT is more attuned to the topic, but was then unavailable..]

    Quoting myself [and backing up 1/2MT]:

    “OT, but something major that needs to be remembered in November [or preferably before for donation purposes]:

    The following is a compiled list of the treasonous Republican US House Representatives, from Texas, who voted AGAINST sending desperately needed military assistance to our friends and allies in Ukraine [see link for list of all states’ subversives].
    And thereby aided and abetted Vladimir Putin and our enemies in Russia. [see US Constitution, Article 3, Section 3]

    There are 15 of these Texas traitors, out of the traitorous total 112 in the House who voted NAY on the Ukraine military aid bill; 13.39% of the total 112, a seemingly high percentage.

    Yes, it’s a list of the ‘worst of the worst’, chock full of the slimiest Rethugs that y’all are all too familiar with.
    [I could post the entire list, but it’s rather huge. You can find a full list copy, and article at this link:

    Texas’ ‘finest’ elected bastardized Sonsabitches:

    Arrington Republican Texas NAY
    Babin Republican Texas NAY
    Cloud Republican Texas NAY
    De La Cruz Republican Texas NAY
    Fallon Republican Texas NAY
    Gooden (TX) Republican Texas NAY
    Jackson (TX) Republican Texas NAY
    Luttrell Republican Texas NAY
    Nehls Republican Texas NAY
    Pfluger Republican Texas NAY
    Roy Republican Texas NAY
    Self Republican Texas NAY
    Van Duyne Republican Texas NAY
    Weber (TX) Republican Texas NAY
    Williams (TX) Republican Texas NAY “

  2. The D.O.D. Inspector General’s Report link has been sabotaged.
    Personally I think it’s the thermocline State.

  3. I mean seriously, the depth of….crap that’s attributed to EVERY FUCKING THING would be comical in simpler times.

  4. P.P. @2&3, WTF are you drinking, or smoking boy? …
    Though I agree, everything to do with Rethugs is fathoms deep in ‘caca de vaca’ [pronounced ‘baca’], 24/7/365.
    And I can sometimes make out thermoclines on my boat’s sonars.

  5. As opposed to Deep State.
    The layer that obscures what’s underneath.
    The layer that obscures what’s truly Deep.

    Come on man, catch up.

  6. The scope of crap that’s attributed to the depths of “The State”, when in reality it’s generated by folks-organizations-foreign intelligence outfits, reflecting their actions on their victims.
    Cause the State is us.

  7. Since Captain Ronny likes to time travel, perhaps we could put him in a time capsule (the best technology we have at the moment), a big time capsule with 125 years worth of food and other year 2024 memorabilia, and he’ll have the opportunity to meet 200 year old Donald Trump when the capsule is ceremoniously cracked open by (no doubt in his mind) double centenarian still President (in their minds) Trump.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Here’s a story about Ronnie Jackson from NBC that covers his time in the WH. As usual, trumpf surrounded himself by only the best people. Seems like a good fit with the rest of the rethug Texas congress critters, too.

  9. Rumor has it that Judge Merchan has ordered that charcoal laced Marmite will be spread on charcoalized pan pizza dough slices, and fed to Dump throughout his NYC trial beginning tomorrow morning; accompanied by his choice of pure mineral water only, served in a sippy cup.

    This is due to a certain vaporous issue which has been enveloping His Methaneness recently, between his naptimes.
    And somewhat disturbing the normal courtroom decorum, as the highly irregular ‘Odor in the Court’ overrules and permeates the atmosphere. OMG, there’s a ‘Flatus Among Us’..

    Charcoal is a highly effective absorptive agent.
    Hopefully counteracting the gaseous effects of his usual diet of Big Macs, fries, ketchup, and highly carbonated Diet Coke.

    Did y’all hear him whining about how friggin cold the courtroom was the other day? Poor baby needs a blanky, and a pacifier. And he blamed it all on Frosty Joe, the omnipotent Icicler-In-Chief.

    Want to split a gut or herniate yourself?
    Read many of the comments herein :

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If you skip down on the Jeff Tiedrich piece from yesterday, there’s some good stuff on donny fartelone this past week.

  11. Wow! I remember this Navy guy. I thought he was flakey even then. I think that like a lot of people he got flakier simply by standing in tRump’s shadow.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Sandridge, “Odor in the Court” is priceless. Thanks, I’m going to steal that one.

    Not directly relevant, but I vaguely recall that “Disorder in the Court” was the first Three Stooges film. Unfortunately each of those three was a better, and better quality, person than the current defendent.

  13. The Surly Professor @12, Well thanks, but “Odor in the Court!” was the only thing in my comment that wasn’t original to me. I lifted it probably from DK, but I’ve seen it elsewhere.
    All the other digs were my original stuff.

    I particularly like “Frosty Joe, the omnipotent Icicler-In-Chief”.
    Because Dumbp & Co continually berate Biden as a senile retard, and at the same time attribute evil omnipotent mega-powers to him. A logical inconsistency invisible to their MAGAot hive-mind drones.

  14. maryelle says:

    My particular favorite is “His Methaneness”. A close second is
    “A Flatus Among Us.” That poor jury must be aGhASt!

  15. daChipster says:

    Let us not forget that Captain Daydrinker (a down-market Captain Morgan) was also Admiral Pill-Mill, when he ran BLOTUS’ White House Medical Unit

    Every MAGAt in the Drumpf West Wing knew all they had to do was roll up to the Donny & Ronny Pick Me Up & Lay Me Down Dispensary, yell “Trick-or-Treat,” and come away with a bagful of some pills that make you larger and/or some that make you small.
