Ron Paul Hearts the UN
Remember when Ron Paul didn’t believe in the United Nation? You know, yesterday?
Well, faster than hoop snake he changed his mind.
Five years ago, some stoners with delayed maturity who loved, loved, loved Ron Paul bought the URL ronpaul dotcom and set about developing a fan website. All was well because Ron Paul really, really, really needs to be adored.
But Ron Paul, now that he’s unemployed, suddenly up and decides that he wants to own ronpaul dotcom. His supporters, having read Ayn Rand, said, “Sure, it’s for sale. $250 grand.”
They offered to give him ronpaul dotorg for free, but wanted to be paid for their website. You know, like capitalism. Like Ron Paul believes.
Yesterday morning, Ron Paul repaid their support by filing a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization, an agency of Paul’s much-reviled United Nations, seeking the expropriation of both and from his supporters without any compensation
Each, that whole capitalism is for chumps.