Romney Comes To Texas; Ignores Texans

June 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney is going to be in Texas this weekend at the Republican state convention.

He’s here to pass the collection plate while avoiding any prayer meetings.

Romney is not expected to be seen with the state’s most famous politician, former President George W. Bush, who now lives in Dallas and is building his presidential library at Southern Methodist University.

Also not appearing with Romney: Governor Perry. After dropping out of the race in January, Perry backed Romney-rival Newt Gingrich for a time, before ultimately supporting Romney when the latter clinched the nomination. Perry will be in San Antonio when Romney campaigns in Fort Worth, and in Fort Worth when Romney raises money in San Antonio.

Boy Howdy, in square dancing that’s called the Double Around Aleman Left And Snub Your Partner move.  It ain’t easy.  Texas is a big state, but holding three nincompoops at once is still difficult.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Romney Comes To Texas; Ignores Texans”

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Romney has announced no plans to attend the convention, so the story goes. Damn, that could really be fun to watch, from a safe distance. Anyone else old enough to remember Nelson Rockefeller at the ’64 GOP bloodletting? Imagine Mitt being fed to the GOP taliban gathered in Cowtown. That kind of show would out do rasslin at the old North Side Coliseum. In fact it would more resemble the show at the old Roman coliseum. For one thing, the blood would be real.

  2. Well I guess Willard doesn’t have to dance with the one that brought him ’cause no one is ever gonna wholeheartedly admit to inviting him.

    Someone will take one for the home team and grin like a constipated fool beside the cardboard cutout of a human.
    Although, I like others— really wonder if Willard is quite human

  3. Oh please, we already hold more nincompoops than just these three. Sigh.

    I’m just wondering what to expect from the Ron Paul contingent…

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I do believe he is more afraid of facing the Republicans than he is of facing the Democrats.

  5. I was surprised to find out that Goodhair took his name off the GOP ballot on Tuesday in order to keep his Texas winning streak alive.

  6. Gramiam says:

    We have a crazy Governor in Arizona, too. happily, we also have a two term limit. Catch up, Texas!

  7. It still makes me giggle to read “George W. Bush” and “library” in the same sentence.

  8. fenway fran says:

    He was in Seattle Monday, right after our convention (GOP was in Tacoma) and Portland yesterday. There were some great protesters, women in birth control pill costumes, and protesters lying under a long red carpet that ran across the the street to the hotel where he was having the fundraiser. Love PDX.

  9. Good to know that it’s not only the we Democrats who have a party ATM going in Texas.

  10. daChipster says:

    Hey, when I lived in Illinois I LOVED being an ATM and being taken for granted as Presidential blue, it allowed us to concentrate on the downticket races.

    But if y’all in Texas’d like to live in a state that attracts a lot of Presidential attention, you could do that in one of three ways:

    1) Join the Ron Paul crowd and encourage an independent run or

    2) Grab a stack of voter registration forms and (if needed) an interpreter and start registering Democratical-type voters: women, younguns and minorities or

    3) Move over by me in O.H—I.O!

    I just saw Gail Collins on the Tee and Vee last night flogging her book “As Texas Goes: How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda” and I’m going to pick it up soon, as soon as I finish reading the last 5000 pages of the Game of Thrones series.

    But based on what she was saying, I recommend #2 above – I think it’s best for all concerned in the long run. Although y’all are welcome here, I can only fit about 10 of you in my basement and spare bedroom.

    Plus a short Winnebago in the driveway.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    daC., Thanks for mentioning the Collins book; it sounds like required reading for those of us who live in and love the Lone Star State but despair of the greed-hawg yahoos and pandering, political poltroons we entrust with our lives, freedom, property, and reputations.

  12. aggieland liz says:

    hey Gram, I think that should be “WAKE up, Texas!” also note that we are purging our voter lists like FLA (blaming errors on old software) and I’m pretty sure George Bush says “lie-berry” which always grates on these ears!

  13. Marge Wood says:

    This here is my favorite set of comments. Yes, Ron Paul’s folks will surely be even more entertaining than the HIllary bunch a couple years ago at the Travis County Dems county convention. I’m enjoying being almost retired from being precinct chair and just free-form floating around in politics.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Can we do anything about the voter roll purges in Texas? I mean if we can’t even get enough folks in the Legislature to handle stuff,…well, we gotta do something. Read DRIFT by Rachel Maddow. Read anything by Gail Collins. Read Robert Reich, read, write, make phone calls, talk to everyone in the grocery store and elevator. Rant rant. Logging off now.
