Roger Stoned?
Holeeee Cow, Roger Stone came up with the coolest conspiracy theory ever.
Stone claims, without any inkling of proof, that North Korea interfered in our election. Well, I shouldn’t say no proof. He does have some details.
He says —
“I just learned of absolute incontrovertible evidence of North Korean boats delivering ballots through a harbor in Maine, the state of Maine,” Stone said. “If this checks out, if law enforcement looked into that and it turned out to be true, it would be proof of foreign involvement in the election.”
Okay, here’s a map.
See the little red dot? That’s North Korea.
I trust you know where Maine is.
Helluva trip. Plus, I would think North Korean boats in a Maine harbor would draw some attention. We don’t trade with North Korea.
See, here they come up with true facts and everybody just laughs at them.