Roger Stone and … Oh Hell, I Don’t Even Know

July 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Roger Stone was on the Mo’Kelly Show – a popular radio talk show out of Los Angeles – yesterday.

I missed it but everybody else heard it, and in just a minute, you can listen, too.

In the interview, O’Kelly cornered Stone as Stone tried to argue that Trump’s act was one of compassion because Stone had received such an unfair trial.

“There are thousands of people treated unfairly daily, how your number just happened to come up in the lottery, I’m guessing was more than just luck, Roger, right?” O’Kelly asked Stone.

You can hear a couple of second of silence and then Stone clearly saying, “I don’t really feel like arguing with this negro.”

Oops. Then there was a long silence with O’Kelly politely asking Stone to rejoin the conversation

When Stone finally came back on, he denied it all.  He claims he never said negro.  But, he told media covering the incidence that everybody knows he’s not a racist, he didn’t say it, however he said that the word is “far from a slur.”

Okay. See, being a convicted felonious liar gives you all kinds of cover for mistakes like this.  I mean, he a pro at lying. He’s even got a certificate and everything.

You can hear it for yourself here.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “Roger Stone and … Oh Hell, I Don’t Even Know”

  1. He should have blamed the Nixon on his back for blurting it out.

  2. Hell Roger Dodger, don’t hold back, just let it fly dude, not like anybody’s gonna put you in jail or anything!

  3. megasoid says:

    Stone’s been mouthing off since his commutation went through. Check out the folded arms pic.
    These two birds go way back and perch on the same roost. ~

    Watch the vid :

    Wildcard Trump-card Formula (WTF): The essence of a**hole behavior.
    Jan 4, 2019 ~ By Jeremy Sherman, PhD.

    3:13 ~ PG 17

  4. Sam in Superior says:

    If you could find a Trump associate who ISN’T a racist, that would be an even better story.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Maybe Stone can be an opening act for Kanye West and for Trumpf. West certainly didn’t hold back his true self at his “rally” today (thought he’d dropped out).
    The 3 of them are very like minded- brainless.

  6. “I mean, he a pro at lying. He’s even got a certificate and everything.”

    hey, it was in all the papers and on the evening news. true fact: if Roger Stone or Donald Trump ever told the truth, their faces would actually break. most people don’t know this, but it’s true.

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I’m not sure whether using the word ‘negro’ is a slur…though it’s certainly something out of the 1940’s.( Stone that old? He’s so creepy-looking I can’t tell.)

    But the idea that someone’s skin color determines their worthiness for conversation is prima facie racism. One can exhibit one’s racism without saying a word.

  8. WA Skeptic says:

    Well, “negro” is a lot more polite than the epithet he probably usually uses.

    He could have just said he didn’t feel like arguing “with this guy” and nobody would have disagreed with him. Some people just can’t open their mouths without putting their feet in them.

  9. Harry Eagar says:

    Yeah, I was surprised to learn that Negro had become a slur. When did that happen? Where I grew up, Negro was the polite, even respectful, term to use. I understand that some years back it became dispreferred but that hardly turns it into a slur.

    The slur version often used by racists trying to fit into a society where people wear shoes was nigra or negra.
