Rocky, Rocque, and Ricky: I Love Yew, Texas
In Texas and several foreign states, there are three guys, all related, and all named pretty near the same.
Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, who has run for president in the past as a Democrat, is running for president this year (including in the Texas primary) as a Republican. He also has run for Senate, simultaneously and unsuccessfully, in several of the several states.
His son, also Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, following in Dad’s footsteps, is among 18 candidates (including four who’ve dropped out) on this year’s Texas Democratic presidential primary ballot. I’ll let you decide whether either of the De La Fuentes is a rogue Roque.
So, it is possible, weirder things have happened, that we have a November election consisting of a Democrat named Rocky De La Fuente vs. a Republican named Rocky De La Fuente.
Daddy Rocky is also running for a congressional seat as a Republican in California.
But, it gets leaky here … Daddy Rocky has another kid, named Ricky. Ricky De La Fuentes is running for congress in both California and Texas. States with lax residency laws will let you do that. He’s running as a Democrat against his Dad in California and as a Democrat against no family member in Texas, which seems to take some of the sport out of it.
Glen Maxey puts a translation lid on it in the Austin American Statesman.
Political dynasty – hey, it couldn’t be worse than the Trump family.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.