Rock The Slut Vote!

June 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In my mind, I’m already there.

Thanks to MB for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Rock The Slut Vote!”

  1. No doubt. I’m a slut.

  2. Gramiam says:

    Yeppers! I am too.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Yikes! I didn’t know how much of a slut I was until I took the test. Thanks, JJ!

  4. LOL … same here, ladies! I’m definitely a slut!

  5. Slut and Voter here. Count me in.

  6. A slut here for many years.

  7. koalaholik says:

    apparently I am an optimistic sweet spot slut. I like that.

  8. daChipster says:

    Apparently, I am a slut-in-training, which is not too bad, but the associated bra is leaving an itchy red line below where my cleavage would be, if I had any. No wonder you burned them.

    Hey, I was once the first male member of the Notre Dame Women’s Caucus… I should get extra points for that.

  9. Beth Francis says:

    daChipster, you definitely do get points for that. As for the bra, now you know why that’s the first thing we take off when we get home. OK…the second…shoes go first. I wanna find the SOB who decided women’s feet are pointed. He needs a good, long talking-to.

    And yep, I’m a slut too. But I didn’t have to take a test to know that.

  10. TexasEllen says:

    I’m an aged slut. The best thing about being retired is you don’t have to wear a bra unless you are going out in public And never having to wear thin soled, pointy toed, coordinated heels designed by a mad sadist.

  11. aggieland liz says:

    Yeah, I’m a sweet-spot optimistic slut…WHOOP! AND there are more women than men in Aggieland now AND they make better grades!

  12. fenway fran says:

    Hey aggieland liz, I’m a sweet spot, optimistic slut, too! I sense a huge movement sweeping the nation…

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Look guys, I go to church, I’ve been married to the same man for 40umpteen years, I wear a bra mostly but I don’t think enough money would persuade me to vote GOP. I hope. The Devil works in mysterious ways, as does God. And if all the sluts in the country would vote we would not have Perry as governor or Paul whatsisface in Wisconsin or Paul Workman in the Tx. Lege or whatever. You can also say if all the women in Texas voted it would make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. Or all the Hispanics. Or all the any big group of thinking and annoyed folks. I wanna know, WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO about that sixty billion dollar anti-dems campaign?

  14. aggieland liz says:

    Marge you sound like a sweet-spot optimistic slut too! Join the movement 😀

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Oh honey, I fit in just fine. i just didn’t want anyone to think you couldn’t hang around if you went to church and stayed with your first husband. Goodness knows marriage is the biggest job in the world and we won’t start on that. Loving one another and being generally pig-headed is essential to survival. I came back to this to say IF ALL THE WOMEN IN TEXAS HAD VOTED LAST TIME WE WOULDN’T HAVE PERRY FOR GOVERNOR but guess what, I already said it earlier. We need T shirts that say that. Should we put the first half on the front and the last half on the back or all of it on the front?

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Women making better grades in Aggieland reminds me of something a preacher said once. He was joking kind of but he said the reason men don’t want women preaching is because women do a better job.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    I just looked again at all the photos on the ROCK THE SLUT page and thought, and we wonder why kids misbehave at school. We can’t do one thing in public and tell them they can’t imitate us. just a thought. Nothing personal. Our grandson has been raised on END THE WAR NOW and WE ARE THE 99% and USE THE RAINY DAY FUND and WOMEN CAN DO IT TOO and all that kind of stuff. Here’s one of my favorite true stories. One day I asked the kid, do you know who Rosa Parks was. He said yep. I said do you think she embarrassed her grandchildren? and he said yep.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Where’s the best place in Austin to order your own personalized T shirt that says (whatever you want it to say) but mine will say IF ALL THE WOMEN IN TEXAS VOTED, WHO WOULD WE HAVE FOR GOVERNOR? or something like that. And I want a lady’s T shirt. Most of my Ts are the regulation T shirt neckline. I want a purty one.
