Rock Star Supreme

August 10, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Clarence Thomas lives like a damn rock star, and all he had to do to get it is sell out his damn country. Easy peasy.

Just now exposed, it appears that Thomas has become a jet setter because of his owners.

At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an additional eight by helicopter; a dozen VIP passes to professional and college sporting events, typically perched in the skybox; two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica; and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic coast.

Here’s the part you’re going love. In discussing this with legal ethics experts, one of them says, “In my career I don’t remember ever seeing this degree of largesse given to anybody,” said Jeremy Fogel, a former federal judge who served for years on the judicial committee that reviews judges’ financial disclosures. “I think it’s unprecedented.”

Largesse?  That’s the operative word here? Holy damn crap.

I wanna be honest with you, the ProPublica is long, long, long but it’s not wordy. It’s packed with descriptions of these gifts and fascinating stories of a world I didn’t know existed among billionaires.  You probably need to read it to understand just how sleazy this guy truly is.


0 Comments to “Rock Star Supreme”

  1. All Thomas is saying is ” I GOT MINE F%%# the rest of you N@##$%S ” As any GOP good old boy would say.

  2. Why does the phrase, “High-tech lynching,” keep circling my mind?

  3. Lord knows I’ve complained non stop against Citizens United for being the final nail in our Democracy coffin. But it’s time I lightened up and showcased some of Citizens United many successes. For example …

    “Americans For Tax Fairness

    BREAKING: Harlan Crow and his family’s average yearly political contributions went up 862% after Citizens United was decided in 2010.
    Who provided a deciding vote for that case?
    Justice Clarence Thomas, a “family friend” they showered with luxury travel and gifts for 20+ years.”

  4. “Largesse?” More like “payola.”

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    If Clarence Thomas had any sense of irony or wit, he would call his grift a one-man program of reparations.

  6. Clarence needs a history lesson from ancient Persia. The story of Sisamnes.

  7. Clarence, just answer one question, “Would these people be friends with you if you were not a supreme court justice?”

  8. Buttermilk Sky – just what I was thinking.

    And Tom – no.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m hoping one of my son’s friends will buy my place, fix it up real nice and then let me live here for free the rest of my life. Sadly(?) Harlan Crowe isn’t one of my son’s friends.

  10. thatotherjean says:

    What TexasTrailerParkTrash said.

  11. I read the article, and during the read I had flashbacks to Thomas’s confirmation hearing, especially the testimony that he liked to watch, and then “talk” about porn and porn stars at work –with subordinates– and there is the infamous “pubic hair on a coke can” incident.

    An obvious creep. Creep with a capital C. Ug.

    And then there was the hysterical fit he pitched*, the one where he cried and screamed “high-tech lynching!” Yeah, sure, a lot of Black men are lynched by black women. Yeah.

    *Which I watched Kavanaugh imitate a couple of years ago. Why does a watching man having an emotional meltdown work so well with the US Senate?

  12. SteveTheReturned says:

    God bless and forever keep Anita Hill!

  13. I’ve always loved when Clarence told the story about just parking his $300,000 RV in Walmart parking lots like a good old boy. Except—— some billionaire bought it for him.

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The silence is deafening amongst the other federalist supremes and making my head explode. I suspect there are unethical skeletons under their robes, too, and they’re complicit.
    Sure, Clarence and his zillionaire friends just talked about family, kids, sports and charities. A wink and a nod is louder than speaking but don’t believe for a second they didn’t talk shop and about matters in front of the SCROTUS. Of course he knows how his buds expect him to vote on issues they are interested in financially and politically. That’s why they continue to bribe him. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

  15. Marcia in CO says:

    I have always thought Clarence Thomas was a sleezy creepy asshole … ever since the Anita Hill incidence! I would like to think Anita is saying, with each new revelation: karma’s a real bitch, Clarence!

  16. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Marcia in CO – it’s only Karma if he actually gets what’s coming to him.

    And yes, I’ve known what a sleazeball he is ever since Anita Hill bravely described said sleaziness to the Senate. I remember being appalled – Long Dong Silver indeed.

  17. Revolting man….

  18. referring to a black man’s “owners” is unacceptable in any context.

    the purveyors of this site might want to consider whether they are any better than the folks they mock.

  19. Question: just exactly what would it take for SCOTUS to actually grow the hell up and devise a list of printable ethical conduct and actually stick to it!

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’ve been hesitant to comment but here goes. The context of this whole conversation has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin. It has to do with the ethics of a person (and spouse) put in a position of power and trust that chooses to abuse it for their personal gratification. They appear to be addicted to the stuff most (if any) of us can afford. Further, based on credible information at the time of his confirmation, he should never have been given this lifetime position of power, which he continues to abuse. Addicts get dependent on their supplier. Apparently Thomas is dependent on the ultra rich that he’s continued to satisfy. This is just my opinion.

  21. Mommy Ginni does the work, Clarence lies back and smiles .

  22. At the risk of offending some overly sensitive peeps:
    There’s an old pejorative term “House N@##$%”.
    Crooked Clarence takes it up a notch to: “Mansion N@##$%”.
    His selling price being considerably higher [though still very cheap for his rich buyers, given the benefits].

  23. G Foresight says:

    On a different angle, isn’t this another example of an insight as to the mostly unrestrained behavior of billionaires?

    Bernie Sanders’ “A Second Bill of Rights” addresses the the out-of-control power of billionaires with a federal “tax on extreme wealth.”

  24. Joel,
    Speaking only for myself, Thomas has proven himself totally owned by those who’ve bought his influence, regardless of his race.
    End of story.
    Stating that fact may bring up uncomfortable connotations because of his race.
    But that’s not the fault of the person making the statement.
    Maybe you wandered into the wrong joint.

  25. Joel, forgive me I misspoke.
    By the time I got to the end of the comments, I was under the impression another patron had made the owner remark. Having realized it was indeed J.J. who said it I retract my earlier first sentence.
    I’m speaking for J.J. and me, whether she approves or not.

  26. Harry Eagar says:

    Steve and P.P. Agreed it’s about ethics, which are interior; but it’s still about race because of the reason Thomas was nominated.

    The furor over Hill obscured the thinness of Thomas’s legal career.

  27. Wow! Jerry Fogel is an old family friend! Talk about unexpected references. Haha.
