Robo Call Heaven

March 01, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Juanita wonders what the deal is with this election.  She has received more robo calls today than she received for the past 8 years combined.

“Honey, it sounds like a hand bell choir at my place because I have a home phone, a business phone and a cellphone.  I am certain that if I took the proper time, I could tune them all to play the 1812 Overture tonight what with all the ringing,” she announces.

She’s wondering if you’re getting robo calls where you live and if,  like her, you are very unimpressed with the ones recorded over a phone line that are so scratchy that you have no idea what they’re saying.

This November she’s gonna get a recorder and record some of these calls.

Also, we got an email today from the county party, using the county party email list, saying how wonderful the incumbent county party chair is.  “That’s illegal in Texas, the District of Colombia, and some portions of Norway,” Juanita reports.  “But, it’ll have to wait in line along with all the other violations of the law she’s racking up.  Cripes, it’ll take a Grand Jury months to sort out the mess she’s made.”

Robo calls?  Effective or a hacker-offer?


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