Road Trip!

April 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s a BundyFest!  You gotta go sign up for this sucker.

My idea is to get a whole mess of heavily armed black and brown people along with old people on social security in walkers with heavy artillery strapped to them and see how long we get to stand on the Capitol steps before there’s some damn gun control passed.

Y’all picture the Bundy spectacle with black people.  Yeah, Ole Sean Hannity would have said the N word three days ago.

And speaking of Sean Hannity, he can dish it out but he sure can’t take it.  After Jon Stewart made him shine in the damfool department, Hannity went all Bill Ayers on Stewart.  Yeah, Bill Ayers.   Dude, that was 2007’s issue, catch up!

Thanks to TexasEllen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Road Trip!”

  1. I also like the idea of a Bundy-style standoff of people objecting to the Keystone pipeline. Why is it that the RWNJs have all the weaponry and we have to resort to three elderly people (one of them a nun) getting arrested for nuclear-weapons trespassing?

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    There is hope, Rhea. Native Nations and ranchers have formed an alliance, The Cowboy-Indian Alliance.

    We are the ones who, unlike Bundy, pay our grazing fees and follow the recommended to management practices.

  3. daChipster says:

    Rhea, speaking as a recovering Catholic, you do NOT want armed nuns.

  4. Give a nun a ruler and there’ll be hell to pay.

  5. Just be sure to put the womenfolk in the front. That’s just good strategy fer when the shootin’ starts.

  6. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Who’s gonna handle the music for this event? Sigh… if only Tupac and Biggie were still here.

    Hey, JJ, are the Backhoes available?

  7. gabberflasted says:

    The onliest thang I gotta say, is Jon ripped him a new one an’ he din’t like it.
    Hannity, along with others on Fox, is a sufferable ass.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    maryelle-why oh why didn’t we hand dumb bass dubya to nuns while he was in office. They could have abused him and then let the priests abuse him. Wish someone would permanently wipe that smirk off at least one of the two-faced SOB’s faces.

  9. e platypus, no, we needed someone to [bleep] Bush so we could impeach him. That’s so much more important in a President than starting unnecessary wars.

  10. Bundy is the welfare queen who doesn’t really “recognize the government of The United States of America”.????

    So, why is this fool riding a horse carrying…… oh wait for it…..The American Flag.

    Bundy, if you don’t like or respect the U.S. Government, don’t desecrate the flag.

    Just sayin’ get your own darned flag.

  11. Here’s a thought. Throw Bundy in a locked room with Donald Trump and see who comes out alive. Between the worst comb over in history and the worst whiner west of the Mississippi, I would bet its not a love fest!

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    And how do Bundy’s cattle feel about 50,000 hippies invading their pastoral setting? They might decide to leave the Bundy ranch and head for the hills.

    Since most of that part of Nevada is not fenced, they could end up miles away. I wonder if Mr. Bundy’s militia friends will help him round them up?

    This has Karma written all over it.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, we could have a competition to design a Bundy-fest flag! and I have a walker someone can borrow if you want to go. I personally prefer to stay home.

  14. Elise Von Holten says:

    As someone who has been to Burning Man (an art/music festival on steroids) (Bubba Jr. Could easily get a grant and have his art presented there) the invasion of all those naked painted young women (why my boyfriend goes!) would show us why Repug men need guns (unarmed–think of tub-o-Rush nekked) Yech! Brain bleach. Anyway BM is fun, 50,000 people who buy the permit live on the playa for a week of music, art and bicycling and work very hard (spend $$$) to leave no trace… They are just “free” ( you must follow the rules) to be whomever they feel like expressing through art and music. Almost exact opposite of the freeloading bozo who is a traitor to our country–sedition I believe it’s called–rule breaker and wants to hurt people…naked women in front–that’ll confuse ’em

  15. Elise Von Holten says:

    Ps. BM is a gifting/barter culture and a lot of the groups that attend give showers away (pay to bring in and take away grey water (so not to pollute the fragile Eco-system) lots of recreation vehicles have showers, so you are only unwashed if you want to be…more stupid remarks by illiterate non attendees…it’s a mind boggler, that true…but it’s a gentle, interesting place to go, I’ve seen strangers be fed, people fall in love (my daughter’s blogspot A Tale of Two Bicycles) tells the story at the beginning of the blog) and many wondrous things there. All kinds of people, and from all over the world!

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Elise, thank you for the lovely writing.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    excerpt from Cowboy Indian Alliance (and I was thinking about that before looking at it): In the second decade of the 21st century, new “unlikely alliances” of Native peoples and their rural white neighbors are standing strong against fossil fuel and mineral extraction throughout the continent.

    What dawned on me that if anyone survives climate change, it likely will be folks who know how to live simply off the land.

  18. I think that’s where Willie should have his concert.

  19. TexasEllen says:

    How about a big ol’ Farm Aid concert for folks who pay their leases?

  20. Elizabeth says:

    My choir director goes to Burning Man every year. He thoroughly enjoys it.

  21. Old Fart says:

    Of course Mr. Stewart followed up with a Hannity the Hippocrit part deux…

  22. Paul Maud Dib says:

    I would like to get Hannity in the tahadi ring!
