RNC Paying Hope Hicks’ Lawyers

June 21, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, unprecedented

So, the RNC is now so corrupted by Trump’s control that it is now using donor dollars to pay lawyers to obstruct justice by interfering with Congressional investigations.  That’s right, Teabaggers – your money is being used to violate your precious Constitution into order to protect your spray painted tribal chief.  Along with that, WH lawyers paid with your taxes are also actively helping Trump violate his duty to protect and defend the Constitution in order to hide his crimes from the Congress.

During Hope Hicks non-testimony testimony this week in a closed door session with the House Judiciary Committee, US government paid lawyers objected to every question from the committee, even including her office location in the West Wing.  Trump’s lawyer, Pat Cipollone, even told Congress that Hicks has “absolute immunity” from testifying before Congress, a legal condition that simply doesn’t exist and is being laughed at by legal and ethics experts.  Clearly, Trump believes the courts are so packed with corrupt radicals that they’ll rule in his favor.  I don’t believe that when it goes there, SCOTUS (even with its corrupt justices like Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch) won’t go there.  John Roberts may be a conservative and somewhat corrupted, he is still  true to the Constitution and will rule correctly.

I predict this one won’t end well for Ms. Hicks, and in the end, she’ll pay dearly for her silence and her loyalty to Trump.

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