Ring! Ring! General Sanchez, Texas Calling On Line 2

June 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


It has been said that Republicans want to fall in line, but Democrats want to fall in love.

I’m not in love, or at this point even like, with General Ricardo Sanchez.  He may be a nice guy personally, but he ain’t romancing the Juanita.

General Sanchez, At Least That's What We Are Told

First off, comes his reluctance to even show up at Democratic functions.  So far, he’s been seen less than Elvis.  At least Elvis shows up at the Dairy Queen every now and then.  I am one of the handful of people in Texas who knows for a fact that he even exists, and I don’t know if who I saw was a Sanchez impersonator and the real Sanchez was over at the Dairy Queen with Elvis.

Second off, I know kids running for class president with a better website.  And it doesn’t help me that on the three issues he even has an opinion about, he’s not a Democrat.

On Immigration:  “We simply cannot provide illegal immigrants with blanket access to all of the services and benefits that are afforded to our citizens.”

On Education:  “the application of school vouchers would not be something I would be opposed to”

On Jobs and the Economy:  “The best approach to creating jobs in Texas is for us to provide tax cuts, incentives, and increase financing support for small businesses.”

Best I can tell, those are also John Cornyn’s core beliefs. I guess this is a real clear signal that we’re going to ignore the Democratic base in Texas again.

The third strike came yesterday and today.

Yesterday, Ole Bubba tried to call General Sanchez to invite him to a major Democratic event in a county he has to win if he intends to win statewide.  If you go to Sanchez’s website, there no way to contact him.  So, Ole Bubba called the Texas Democratic Party to see if they had a way to contact him.  They did.

They gave Bubba a Washington Dee Cee  phone number of a political consulting firm.  Holy crap on a barbeque spit.  The only way to reach him is a DeeCee consultant?

I ain’t in love.

Then, today I get an email from his wife.  It was a forward of a fund raising email he sent out saying, “we need leaders who believe that progress and patriotism must take priority over politics and partisanship.”  Nothing in the email gave me a reason to support him other than he wants to make nice.  I don’t do nice.

Anyway, here’s the email she sent.  Click the little one to get the big one.

Now, what I want you to do is go to the top of that email and under the words FW: First Challenge, you will find Elana’s email address.


Good Lord, if you’re going to hire a consulting firm, at least hire one smart enough to get Elena an email address, even if she never sees it, so at least people will think this is an authentic email.

And as of today, if you Google General Ricardo Sanchez, you have to go to page two to find anything positive about him.

Where the hell is Rick Noriega or Wendy Davis now that we really need them?

And, guys, I am sorry that my rants are getting to be so damn long, but I didn’t have time for a short one.

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