Right Wing Christian Heros
I just want you to know that if Lauren Boebert had done what she did at a public library instead of a concert, the rightwing Christians would have burned her in a bonfire.
Luckily, she was nowhere near a library, as usual. But, nonetheless, she was giving it double-fisted effort!
She blamed her behavior on the stress of her pending divorce.
Far be it from me to slut shame, but ya know, Shame on you, slut.
“Why don’t we do it in the road?
No one will be watching us
Why don’t we do it in the road?”, Beatles
Looks like he can’t get enough of a good thing and she’s going for the gusto!
‘Boebert Caught On Tape Being Groped And Groping Boyfriend In Public’
I knew you couldn’t keep from commenting on this, JJ.
The sad part is that she will probably be reelected. There’s something in the water in that part of Colorado.
2BarbinDC @2, Not just the water. Anything Republican today is either tainted or tetched. Totally poisonous to normal beings.
See Rep. Majorly Tetched Greene [R-RWWJ] for Boebert’s closely matched sidekick.
3Lex @ 1,
Sooo trashy… she’s trying to jump start him while he’s trying to kick start her in a crowded theater venue. She must have confused it for a drive-in. For Dog’s sake, get a hotel room.
4Is that what is called a smokin hot date? She says she “fell short of her values”. I’m sorry, remind me again, boobert, what are your values? JJ, yes, slut is the exact word to use for her.
5I think she and MTG should go on a double date. I think they’re both available guys and slutty.
OT: Starting to look like TX AG Ken Paxton is going to be fucking acquitted of his 16-20 impeachment charges. JFC!
The Texass Senate has so far acquitted him of the first FIVE charges!
Make that 6!
Although he only needs to be found guilty of 1 charge to be removed from the AG office…
Talk about “Right Wing Christian Heros” and utter corruption!
Link has live coverage and video of the ‘proceedings’:
“Here are the articles they will vote on. Outcomes will be updated as the votes occur.
Article 1, disregard of official duty: Acquitted
6Article 2, disregard of official duty: Acquitted
Article 3, disregard of official duty: Acquitted
Article 4, disregard of official duty: Acquitted
Article 5, disregard of official duty: Acquitted
Article 6, disregard of official duty: Vote pending
Article 7, misapplication of public resources: Vote pending
Article 8, disregard of official duty: Vote pending
Article 9, constitutional bribery: Vote pending
Article 10, constitutional bribery: Vote pending
Article 15, false statements in official records: Vote pending
Article 16, conspiracy and attempted conspiracy: Vote pending
Article 17, misappropriation of public resources: Vote pending
Article 18, dereliction of duty: Vote pending
Article 19, unfitness for office: Vote pending
Article 20, abuse of public trust: Vote pending “
Boebert is not a slut,sluts have class for the most part. She is white trash, and she is giving White trash a bad name.
Definition of a slut—
7Any women that Bangs other men and not me.
There was Madison Cawhorn who was expelled for scandalous behavior and salacious photos that were unbecoming of a rep.
But these are really different times and Boebert’s behavior will get only side ways looks of “oh well, move on”.
8“I fell short of my values” ???? What would those be? No behavior she has displayed since she was first elected and inflicted herself on the public has shown any sense of decency or consideration for anyone but herself. She’s only sorry she got caught.
And Sandridge @6, I am disgusted but not totally surprised. Republicans have time and time again shown themselves to be cowardly and corrupt.
9Sandridge, did anyone really think he’d be convicted? There’s the teflon don and then slimy slippery Paxton.
10OT: Whelp, TX AG Ken Paxton has now been acquitted of 11 of 16 impeachment charges by the Texass Senate.
Utterly unfathomable blindness and corruption. Remember that most of your TX neighbors keep voting for these vermin.
I hope that JJ or Jefe cover this travesty , but they may go into shock and require medical attention…
11treehugger and Steve, I’ll admit to thinking that justice would be done.
I’m obviously hopelessly naïve… says one of the most cynical mofos around..
Texass Rethuglikans can pervert the most obvious of things.
Acquitted on 12 counts now, only 4 to go..
12treehugger @ 10,
I haven’t heard any mention lately, by the GOP about “Family Values”.
13“burned her in a bonfire.“
They’d explain it on Fox News as a positive:
“Republicans noted there was no evidence of climate change from the massive amount of carbon released as congressperson Boebert burned today…”
“Christians around the nation rejoiced when they witnessed what appeared to be the second coming of the burning bush as Lauren Boebert ignited in flames on a mountain in Colorado…”
14Rick @ 15,
Boebert’s theater performance has probably been up loaded to pornhub.
15Well, that’s that. Texass AG Ken Paxton has been acquitted, in the Texass Senate, of all 16 impeachment charges brought against him by the Texas Republican-controlled House.
The only current politician who even comes close to being as totally evil and corrupt as Donnei John Trump. Acquitted of 16 very valid charges.
Texass: Utterly corrupt hellhole or rathole? Or both?
Read it and weep, or get a stiff drink…
17I believe that was the greatest display in public of a congresscritter’s anatomy since Kenneth McKellar whipped it out in the East Room and pissed on the leg of the Belgian ambassador.
18More political crooks emboldened. Nothing surprising there. Sorry Texas Democrats, that’s the world we live in. Heck, now he can run for president.
19BarbinDC: She won by 546 votes, and her opponent from last year is going gangbusters. I sure hope she loses for at least 10 reasons.
20From this day forward that, um, activity will be known as the “Boebert.”
21Strangely enough, none of the many people I’ve known who went through a divorce felt the need to smoke in non-smoking places, to publically (and pubically) grope a date, insult the pregnant woman who asked her to stop blowing smoke, tried the “do you know who I am” shtick, shot the bird when forced to leave, and lied about it all until video turned up.
One or two of them may have shot the bird at their ex, but that is expected behaviour – after leaving the courthouse, however.
And Harry Eagar once again shows why retired journalists have all the best stories. That’s the first I’ve heard about McKellar and public urination.
22I have to disagree with you on one thing – the RWNJs would have cheered her behavior was in a public library – if she told them the smoke she blew at someone else came from the books she was burning.
23Y’know, when you’re a star you can just grab ’em by the d**K.
24And here I thought, when the news broke that she’d been thrown out of Beetlejuice, that she was levitating from her seat belting out Day-O. Maybe that happened later, in the back of their Uber. What the video documents is absolutely disgusting behavior. for anyone never mind an elected Congresswoman. Does she think she’s still 16, at the Drive-In???? Geez. Do better for yourselves next time around, Colorado.
25This certainly isn’t anywhere near the first time she’s made an ass of herself in public, but to my knowledge it’s her first pornographic video. If she loses the next election, perhaps she can still be gainful employed in the porn industry. Ditto Fran above.
26From what I’ve seen so far, it seems to me that Boobert perfectly upheld NSGOP “values”. You know, it’s a sin for thee, but not for me…
As for Paxton, I’d guess that Texans want their own Lone Star version of Combover Crime Lord.
27I think the honorable Rep. Boebert was just giving a public demonstration that she is ready, willing, and able to be TFG’s vice presidential nominee.
28Papa @ 4 Haha but hotel rooms are so yesterday.
29I find as the story and video evidence has expanded that I really wonder what was in the vape ciggy. Because she looks to be having the 3 sheets to the wind type of party without any recognition of her inappropriate behavior.
30She says it happened because her date is a Democrat and owns a bar that hosts drag shows. In other words, the devil made her do it. But how did he cram her into that dress, with a spatula?
31Bimboebert would have to climb UP about 5 levels to get to slut.