Right in the Smacker

June 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not a fan of Texas Senator John Cornyn. At all.

He’s slick as an eel dipped in axle grease.  Every time he goes swimming, we have to skim slime off the river for a week.  He’s a drugstore cowboy and a pitiful excuse for a public servant.  I do not like him.  At all.

So, it was with no small delight and joy that I watched United States Attorney General rub Cornyn’s nose in the pile of poop that Cornyn himself dropped on the floor.

Cornyn asked for the Attorney General’s resignation, saying that Holder had committed perjury and then offers this blatantly untrue and patronizing statement …

It’s more with sorrow than regret, than with anger, that I would say that you leave me no alternative but to join those who call upon you to resign your office.

Jerk.  Cornyn is a jerk.  And an idiot.  This is the same John Cornyn who supported the political poopie del pollo when Alberto Gonzales  started firing US Attorneys who didn’t agree with him.You know, the same Alberto Gonzales who resigned in disgrace.

Eric Holder is one smart man.  You could almost hear the giggles inside his tummy as he responded to Cornyn …

With all due respect, senator, there is so much that is factually wrong with the premises that you started your statement with, it’s almost breathtaking in its inaccuracy, but, I’ll simply leave it at that.

You know, we want to talk about Fast and Furious, this is, I guess, what, the ninth time?— [turning to an aide who nods “yes”]—this is now the ninth time that I have answered questions before a congressional committee about “Fast and Furious.”

If you want to talk about Fast and Furious, I’m the attorney general that put an end to the misguided tactics that were used in Fast and Furious. An attorney general whom I suppose you would hold in higher regard was briefed on these kinds of tactics in an operation called “Wide Receiver” and did nothing to stop them. Nothing. Three hundred guns, at least, “walked” in that instance.

I’m also the attorney general who called on an inspector general to look into this matter, to investigate this matter. I’m also the attorney general who made personnel changes at ATF and in the U.S. Attorneys office that was involved, have overseen the changes of processes and procedures within ATF to make sure that this doesn’t happen ever again.

So I don’t have any intention of resigning.

Cornyn, Dude, you’re a Texas Republican, a delegation not seen as exactly a brain trust.  Thanks for not improving on that situation.

Thanks to Evelyn for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Right in the Smacker”

  1. OldMayfly says:

    Having “Senator” in front of your name doesn’t mean much if you’ve got “Ignorant and Bought” after your name.

  2. Punkinbugg says:

    Holy AG, Batman! Thanks for reporting on Holder’s reply; they only showed the Cornyn part on the teevee news.

    John Cornyn reminds me of a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade balloon. In eveerrry single (R) news conference, his giant head appears to be silently bobbing over the person doing the actual talking.

  3. MCPO RET says:

    Cornyn, with the 20 foot stare in a 10 foot room, would do a great job in a bit part remake of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”
    He is an embarrassment to all Texans and we should be ashamed that he is where he is.

  4. cairocat says:

    Oh, I do love hearing someone–anyone–in political life actually answer a question truthfully, accurately and in comprehensive English. (I’m really going to miss Barney Frank.)

  5. You are right, Cornyn is a jerk! He fights so hard against any type of legalization for immigrants, even the Dream Act. I think his position is unfair and mean-spirited. Last year when he was making news blocking the Dream Act I wrote a letter asking to explain his position. He is my senator, I though I had a right to ask. I wanted to know how he could possibly stand in the way of granting citizenship to people who were brought to this country as little kids by their parents, raised here, went to school here, stay out of trouble, love this country and know no place else. They have never broken any laws. I took a lot of time to craft what I considered a well-written letter, respectful but curious. I mentioned that I was a Democrat but he represents everyone in his district and that I thought I deserved an answer to my questions.

    In return I got an email thanking me for my interest in the Senator’s work and a link to his newsletter. No mention of my letter. So I sent him two others, stating that I was expecting more of a response to my first letter. Both were completely ignored.

    Way to go, my Senator!

  6. Jim in Laredo says:

    This from the man servant of Ralph Reed, Jack Abramoff, and Tom Delay. Oh, what character. Oh, what an honorable man. The Indian Casino squeeze was just a big misunderstanding. Don’t look there.
    Nothing like a big hypocrite pointing the finger.

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Dang, that’s gonna leave a mark. Old John’s gonna need a lot of time & ice to make that swelling go down.

  8. So….. basically, this was The Attorney General of the United States to John Cornyn:

    Senator….. you have called me…. before this committee…. at least nine times……. to try to explain this to you.

    If you still don’t get it…… that’s your problem.

    Have a nice day!

  9. Thanks for giving us the AG’s full reply, Juanita because I can’t remember too many dressing downs that were better than this one!!! Cornyn made the mistake of carrying only a switch when he went against this gorilla in a fight…and I bet it did smart

  10. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    SMACKDOWN! But I doubt it will be featured on any of the news broadcasts given the miserable state of journalism.

  11. Hey, and what has happened to ole McCain, I think he woke up and made the astounding statement that corporations are not people, also saying that old
    Sheldon – of Las Vegas is funneling foreign money into our elections, you know, all of the profits he makes in Macau!

  12. Sorry, another thing that is worrying me – what do you folks think about the billionaire who wants to bring nuclear waste to Texas and dump it, I have heard that his dump is close to a water supply for the people, this is very scary news.

  13. David in Houston says:

    My edjicated friends at Texas Pyrotechnic U (Go Firecrackers!) would call Cornyn a mendacious pusillanimous pleonexic sanctimonious solipsist. Apparently that translates to: Cornyn is a lying cowardly greedy stuck-up self-centered asshole. Sounds about right.

  14. Bud Malone says:

    Holder made a large mistake in his recitation. He should have expanded on the “wide receiver” reference. That catchy name along with the original “gun walking” was started under George W. The guy with the high forehead wants information that the Congress passed laws would prevent Holder from revealing. Information on subject matter relating to ongoing prosecutions and investigations. Duh

  15. Every time you use the phrase drugstore cowboy, my memory falls back to the song ‘Cadillac Cowboys’ by Spirit, released in 1972. The lyrics in the first two verses have them dead to rights.

    Cadillac cowboys, you see’em everywhere you go
    They ain’t the ones that won the West
    They wear their spurs just for show
    They wear their spurs now just for show.

    Clip tie white collar men, kissin’ ass from nine to five
    Make believe that they’re the boss
    Make believe that they’re alive
    Punch that clock at nine and five, punch that clock.

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    I would call for Cornyn’s resignation not with sorrow but with GLEE! (Not the TV show)

  17. @Joan: This is true. Notice the last sentence of the following quote. The Ogallala aquifer is what most of the midwest uses to water crops. Mess it up and we are in deep do-do. As you also see below, it’s a big argument for the oil pipeline from Canada. This has Rick Perry written all over it!
    “Environmental activists have raised concerns that the Texas dump could poison underground water supplies, including the southern portion of the Ogallala aquifer and the Dockum aquifer.
    “It could affect the Ogallala Aquifer, which underlies eight states ranging from Texas all the way to the Canadian border,” said Tom Smith, Texas Director of the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen.
    Potential risks to the aquifer in Nebraska have been a key sticking point in the dispute over possible routes for TransCanada Corp’s Canada-Texas Keystone XL oil pipeline.
    Burnam suggested support for the dump in the Republican-dominated Texas legislature may stem from its influential majority owner, Harold Simmons, who is a big contributor to Republican office-holders, he said.

  18. I correspond with “My Senator” on a regular basis, along with Randy Neugebauer, “My Illustrious Congressman”…. all I ever get back from either of them is a form letter, and when you hit the “Reply” button, compose a letter stating that they didn’t answer my questions, hit the “send” button… it bounces back into your own inbox as being a “Do Not Reply” email address…. which always makes me 3 times madder. I am beginning to think that the first qualification for running for office as a Texas Republican is to certify as an asshole, and once you pass that test, they enroll you in some class that teaches you how to buy your office, and ignore your constituents, while milking your cashcows.

    And yes, the Abilene tv stations only ran the clip of Cornyn asking for AG Holder’s resignation. Thanks for including the entire response.

  19. @Joan and @Jan….. The Ogallala Aquifer is also drying up at the speed of light…. I grew up in the Panhandle where everyone irrigated crops with wells that are now going dry, even though they have made them deeper and deeper. A big issue at this point is whether they start putting a meter on your irrigation well, so the farmer cannot use water over an allotment. If you look at the Front Range developments in Colorado, basically along Interstate 25, running N/S on the east side of the Continental Divide, all those cities are panicking over water rights…. again, Ogallala Aquifer.

    That dump is to be near Andrews, Tx. Medical waste will be shipped to it from something like 32 states, in 18-wheelers. Next time you see a jack-knifed truck with the load scattered along the highway… think about that one. Oh boy. It will give one pause. There should be a special hell for people who put together that deal.

  20. Many thanks to Patti & Jan. although I am marooned here in NC my daughter lived and worked in Austin, she loved the people and I have fond memories of my time there with her.
    I love this site and the kind people (and witty too), I pray that the republicans are not allowed to destroy the state in their quest for the last dollar.

  21. Cornyn is so afraid he’s gonna’ be tea bagged in the next primary that he’s already screaming like they have his nuts in a vice.
