I got my fundraising letter from RICKPAC today.
Oddly, he doesn’t mention that he’s raising money to pay lawyers. Click the little one to see the big one.
In case you haven’t heard, Texas journalists are taking Rick’s indictment far more seriously than national journalists are. Three reasons for that in my mind. (1) They know Rick Perry. (2) They know Texas law. (3) Oh crap, I forgot.
Governor Corn Dog slips in the oops again. “No one had heard of ISIS in January.” Face plant.
Sometimes I am too lazy or often too busy to provide links to established information. But on that pRick slip, I would not begin to insult the intelligence of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
Plus, there is not enough bandwidth to include the history from the day General Powell explained the “Pottery Barn Rule” to the team of Dubya and Dumber, their failure to reach a status of forces agreement with al-Maliki, and the so many missteps.
Dubya and Dumber broke Iraq, to which there is no perfect solution. President Obama, despite GOP claims, cannot resurrect the dead nor bury the damage. What he can and is doing is containing the damage as best he can without further encouraging future generations of terrorists.
The pRick Perry solution: double down on Dubya and Dumber’s failed policies. Yeah, the GOP include a number of Einstein geniuses, the ones Einstein described: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
I miss Sarah Palin. Sure wish she’d hurry on down to Texas and give pRick the political kiss of death. Yesterday would be good.
1He just needs to look at reality and set up RickPacItIn.
2We did it in Pennsylvania….Hopefully the good folks of Texas can “Kick Rick” too!
3I thought the taxpayers had to foot the bill.
4Hard to believe than anyone considers Perry Potus material.
5Rick is just a pseudonem for DICK. So DickPacPerry can bluster all he wants, but he and all his “candidates” will soon be circling the drain, God willing.
6Sorry, pseudonym.
7Thanks for explaining why Texas journalists are taking this so seriously. (1) I laughed! (2) I laughed! (3) I… Forgot too.
8I would be laughing except I’m so mad at a national Democratic fundraising committee right now that I could spit nails (and not false ones) at them. I hope THIS time when I told them no, and why, and that I didn’t want them to call me again, they actually listen. (Second call in two days. Multiple calls in he past week. No means NO, dammit. My money, my choice of campaigns to contribute to.)
9The Governor’s speechwriter was better than usual, but there were still enough grammatical inconsistencies to make it a distracting read. He sure managed to hit a lot of the “GOP against the world” hotpoints didn’t he?
10Dear Miss Juanita,
I know I’m just a dumb Californian, but would you please explain to me how sending Central American children back to their deaths is going to slow down Fundamentalist extremists in the Middle East?
By the way, I always use the term ‘Fundamentalist’ when I talk about the crazies in the mid-east. It helps remind us of who the crazies are here too.