Rick Santorum Has To Stop Whining

March 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, there is not going to a beauty salon here if we all pull our hair out.  Rick Santorum’s whining about the media is snatching us bald.

He was on Morning Joe.  I am not a regular viewer – okay, I never watch it, I admit it – of Morning Joe, but a friend sent me this clip.

Santorum wants to back off saying there ought not to be contraception because it’s ruining American families, but instead of saying, “Damn, what was I thinking?” he whines that the media keeps bringing it up.  No shoot, Sherlock.  You say something completely nuts and people want to know if that’s your story and you’re sticking to it.

But the line that made me go for jerking my curls was this one, “Washington elites who think they can run our lives better than ourselves.”

Okay, so it’s bad grammar.  But, beyond that it’s crazy.

Replace the word Washington with Christian and you get … ta da! the truth.  At least the folks in Washington don’t think they are the only ones going to heaven.  At least they don’t want to get into your bedroom and tell you the approved times to have hoochy.  You wanna talk about elites who want to tell everybody how they ought to run their lives?  Then you need to talk about the Super DeLux Brand Christians that call Rick Santorum their leader.

I am plenty tired of white Christians whining about how they aren’t allowed in the public arena.  I am a white Christian and I can pray whenever and however I want.  I can participate in government.  I can have a Christmas tree.  I can rejoice, praise, have faith and love my neighbor all day long.  I just can’t do it while standing on your toes.  And it’s not because government told me not to.  It’s because Sweet Jesus told me not to.

Don’t make me tell the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den again.  If Rick Santorum does not think people are treating him fairly, then he needs to go home and pray about it, not make the rest of us miserable with his silly whining.

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