Rick! Rick! No.

August 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Deep breath.

Rick Perry hearts Rick Perry.  He’s at the Iowa State Fair.

The Texas governor addressed the Iowa State Fair on Tuesday, and when the moderator thanked him after his speech, Perry reportedly said: “You’re welcome. I’m awesome!”

No, no you’re not.

ashamedofrickperryAnd we’re pretty sure he’s drinking again.

At one point, the Republican governor met a 10-year-old girl and continued to shake her hand as he spoke with her parents.

“I can’t feel my fingers,” Mackenzie Goodyk said, according to the report.

“Oh, my gosh, I had a hold of you, didn’t I?” Perry responded.

Oh Lord, Rick.  That’s not what you’re supposed to be grabbing.

In slightly related story, Texans investing their tax money in Rick Perry’s presidential run might want a refund but we don’t know how much they should get because we’re not allowed to know how much we’re paying.

It should be noted that Texas taxpayers also pay for Perry’s trips to Iowa (and Israel, and the Bahamas), but even at the height of his last run for president, in 2011 and early 2012, the bill for his security detail was only $400,000 a month. (A ruling this week by state Attorney General Greg Abbott — the GOP nominee to replace Perry as governor — means Texans will no longer get a detailed accounting of Perry’s security expenses, despite a 2011 state law mandating their release.)

Whatever we’re paying is too much.  Especially when he’s going to hurt little girls and do stuff like this:



 Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Rick! Rick! No.”

  1. Does he have to make some claim that he’s going to Iowa for the benefit of Texans?

    I mean, other than getting his butt out of Texas for a while.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m sorry but that picture is obscene both in content and the graphic itself. Reminds me of the same type of picture of Michelle [Crazy Eyes] Bachmann at the Straw Poll doings a few years ago and she was going after a corndog, as well. Probably made Marcus jealous!!

  3. “You’re welcome. I’m awesomely stupid!”

    There, I fixed it for him.

  4. Let’s hope that the GOP voters in Iowa are a lot more informed and intelligent than the voters here in Texas. Unfortunately, the fact that the GOP in Iowa has allowed Rick Perry into the state doesn’t give me much hope for my old home state.

  5. The first rule of campaigning: Never, ever, eat a corn dog in public.

  6. daChipster says:

    You know that the entire GOP bench of contenders, such as it is, was inevitable once we started giving everyone a trophy just for competing.

    I blame Marlo Thomas and the whole “Free to Be..You and Me” thing.

    Today’s GOP, the special olympics of politics.

  7. Governor pRick has lowered the expectations bar for Texas Governors.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Look. EVeryone eats corn dogs at the fair. Admit it. I am so glad I don’t have the world following me around with a camera.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    A former iowan. How neat is that?

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Where can we get one of those bumper stickers, PROUD OF TEXAS, ASHAMED OF PERRY? Of course we’d have to scribble around the edges, AND ASHAMED OF ABBOTT AND PATRICK AND…..

  11. Paying for Rick Perry’s security is based on the mistaken premise that Rick Perry is worth shooting.

  12. Henry: Or that anyone would care if he were shot.

  13. #10 you will also have to add…….
    Ashamed of the thousands of deluded dimwits that voted for him and of the thousands of others that did not bother to vote against him.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Henry wins!

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, you need a magnetic bumper sticker with a blank; fill in as the idiot of the day captures your attention. Or, stack them up and rearrange, when Loopy Louie topples the pile.

  16. Bless his little heart.

    Our “Honorable” Governor has been INDICTED

    For Abuse of Power.

    There’s a Presidential Platform to run on….
    Run. Rick. Run.

  17. Maybe eating that corndog is the brightest thing that pRick has done lately. (I really like that- pRick heh)

    Maybe if he’d eaten a few dozen more he wouldn’t have had time to commit his latest felonies.

  18. Poor Ricky Bobby will come out okay. I had a few cons explain on another board that these charges are completely baseless and politically motivated. Reminds me of a certain US House suit.

    Then there’s this one. http://hypervocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/kBJZR.gif

  19. UmptyDump says:

    Perry had the corn dog but had one of his young male aides try the fried butter.

  20. Sort of like a snake eating its tail…

  21. UmptyDump says:

    Since Perry is in Des Moines, he may as well head northwest a hundred miles to Steve King’s congressional district. Perry has shot his mouth off from time to time about Texas seceding from the U.S., and maybe he can persuade King’s constituents to go along, too. It’ll be called the CSI – Confederate States of Ignorance.

  22. What kind of parents let Rick Perry touch their child? I hope they cleaned her hands off really well.

    Of course, if they’re staunch GOP parents, they probably told her it was for her own good and she should be grateful he squeezed her so hard.

  23. UmptyDump says:

    On one of his early campaign swings several years ago, Perry visited an Iowa farm and saw the owner – an Obama supporter – deal with a problematic prize bull. The bull had gone cross-eyed and couldn’t see well enough to mate. Perry watched as the farmer inserted a garden hose up the bull’s hind end and puff mightily into the other end of the hose. Lo, the bull’s eyes popped back straight and it promptly went back to its business.

    Perry was back at the same farm the other day, watching the farmer going through the same procedure, since the bull had gone cross-eyed again. No matter how hard the fellow puffed, though, the bull’s eyes remained stuck.

    Perry, whose lungs never lack for hot air, swaggered over and announced, “I can fix that!” He removed the hose from the bull’s anus, turned it around, reinserted it, and with a mighty puff, popped the bull’s eyes back into place.

    The farmer was gratified but curious. “Why did you turn the hose around?” he inquired.

    “Well,” the Governor said smugly, “You’re still supporting Obama. I wouldn’t think of putting my mouth where yours had been!”

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Exactly, PKM. A daily change a message magnetic sign. Too many issues, too llittle time.

  25. Les Moor, I can deal with the cons supporting Perry, but I’m having a hard time with the liberals thinking there’s nothing to his indictment. On MSNBC this morning they were blowing it off as having no basis. I want to scream “For the same reason that politicians can’t sell their vote!” It’s legal for them to vote yes or no, but they can’t (openly) say I’ll vote whichever way you’ll pay me the most for. It’s the quid pro quo part. And, the governor can’t use his veto power to coerce another elected official to do what he wants. Especially since in doing so, he effectively raised our taxes in Travis county, since we have to pay more to keep the public integrity unit working.

  26. Fred Farklestone says:

    Who could ever forget this one? My apologies go out to Goofy for linking him with Perry!

