Rick Perry’s Own Personal Swamp Doesn’t Have a Drain Plug

September 18, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The guy responsible for the “new” Rick Perry with Clark Kent glasses and fewer mind-altering drugs, goes by the name of Jeff Miller.  Miller was Perry’s political consultant on Perry Perry for President 2.0.

When Perry was named the head the Energy Department, everybody assumed that Miller would be his Chief of Staff.  That did not happen.

Instead, Miller became a lobbyist making $240,000 in six months by lobbying … you guessed it, Rick Perry at the Energy Department.  Not bad for a guy who lists his place of business as a post office box in Buda, Texas, and a website that isn’t.

So, it appears that the swamp is not drawing.  It’s festering.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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