Rick Perry’s First Celebrity Endorsement

September 10, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And you thought all Rick Perry’s endorsements came from fruitcakes, Ted Nugent, and rich old white billionaires.

Oh ye of little faith.

Rick Perry now has meaningful celebrity endorsement:  Birther Queen Orly Taitz

How ’bout them apples?

Standing in the rope line after Perry’s speech, Taitz spoke with the Texas governor as he wrote on her sign, “♥ Rick Perry”. Audio of the exchange was difficult to make out, but according to Taitz, she told Perry that he will “get Obama” and “will have him in prison for Social Security fraud.” Taitz was confident that Perry was receptive to her message.

Now, I know most of you are stunningly shocked that Orly Taitz got that close to Rick Perry.  I’m not.

Nor am I shocked that Orly Taitz would find barely sane Rick Perry attractive.

Me?  I’m just suffering massive embarrassment that the Governor of Texas signs his name with a little heart. Good Lord. He is such a little girl.  But, NO, he is not gay.  Listen to me.  He is NOT gay.  Not.  And John Wayne probably signed his name with a little heart, too.

A little heart.  He signs his name with a little heart.

Oh no.  Somebody hand me a Margarita.

Thanks to OldMay for the heads up.

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