Rick Perry Wishes He’d Thought of This

July 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Republicans can’t get along with anyone, especially each other?

Pennsylvania has a GOP Governor and a GOP controlled lege.  They hate each other.

In a campaign commercial earlier this week, Gov. Tom Corbett proclaimed, “I didn’t come to Harrisburg to makes friends.”

The accuracy of that statement was inarguable Thursday as the Republican governor denounced a Legislature controlled by his own party while its leaders lashed back at the embattled incumbent and his inability to turn legislative majorities into policy results. Years of mutual frustration were on display as the governor vetoed funds for the Legislature while state Rep. Mike Turzai, R-Bradford Woods, the House majority leader, accused the governor of playing politics and the Senate’s united leadership issued a joint statement assailing Mr. Corbett’s inability to work with his colleagues.

So, when Governor Corbett signed a budget that he had fricasseed with a line item veto, he also sent a special message to the Lege …


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Nice hand signals, Gov.

Thanks to Dianne for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Rick Perry Wishes He’d Thought of This”

  1. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    It looks like One-Term Tom has given up any hope of acting like he gives a hoot about anything but his ego. Maybe he’ll decide to pull a Bud Dwyer and go out in a blaze of press coverage.

  2. IronCelt says:

    Based on his record, that signal really does reflect the way he feels about the people of the Commonwealth.

  3. I suppose this is why PA can’t have nice things.

  4. They are such a charming bunch.

  5. Aggieland liz says:

    Well shoot y’all, I’ve been making that gesture at OUR lege here in Tey-ax-sus for years now! Every other year for about thirty of them!

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    It sorta kinda says “… screw you and the horse you rode in on!”

    I’m sorry … but that is just too funny!!

  7. maryelle says:

    We, here in PA, can’t wait to say goodbye and good riddance to Corbutt. We have a great Democratic candidate, Tom Wolf, who is projected to win the governorship. Hopefully there will be more democrats in the state congress and we can get Medicaid expanded, tax loopholes for the oil companies closed and reasonable funding for out schools. We have had the good fortune of having a state judge overturn the Republican voter ID law and give marriage equality to all, despite Mr. Fickle Finger. After the election we can all wave with our middle fingers.

  8. I am surprised at my fellow patrons. Surely this bright up-standing politico merely meant to point out that “We’re number 1”! For shame patrons! 😉

  9. To the best of my knowledge nobody ever accused right wing politicians of having good manners.

  10. Sandridge says:

    From that sh!t-eatin’ grin on his puss you just know that digital signal was intentional.
    He may not be slicker than Herr Perry, but I wager he’s a bit smarter (that’s not sayin’ much though, eh?).

  11. Was in PA visiting my mother this week and saw a TV ad about how Corbett has given billions in tax breaks to the oil & gas folks but is cutting a billion from education. Guess the teachers’ union doesn’t pay up the way the frackers do.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, Corbet is a fracking criminal with his tax breaks that will allow the corporate criminals to pollute the water and leave the bill for taxpayers to bear the health costs of their criminal enterprises.

    GOP = seriously disabled fetuses and an assault on our heath, while curtailing our health care options and freedoms. Send the GOP down their river of denial without a paddle.

    2014 friends, we need to vote to curtail the Koch Brother sponsored Tea Baggers and the GOP corporate hussies.

    Clean water and air depend on us to vote in 2014.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I wonder what Corbutt’s position on incandescent light bulbs is. I guess y’all noticed that the House (THAT one) passed a nice innocent energy and water bill saying that nobody can make anyone practice energy efficiency or save water (my summary). Go look it up. Koch brothers are behind this stupid obsession with keeping incandescent light bulbs and not giving folks any money to use water or energy efficient products. Banging my head on wall. Shoulda thought of that earlier.

  14. I live in PA. Butt Core went to Harrisburg to line his pockets with cash from the Natural gas industry that are raping our countryside thanks to his policies. Many of our public schools have closed their doors because their funds were cut to subsidize the frackers, he tried to sell our lottery system that funds senior programs to a firm in Europe and instead of schools he is busy building new prisons. The GOP have gerrymandered my state so much that for him to lose, he would have to only get a quarter of the popular vote instead of less than half but we are working on making that a reality.
