Rick Perry: We Wizz On Everything in Texas. Why, I Got Real Drunk And Wizzed On a Homecoming Queen Once

January 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry does not see much wrong with United States Marines, the cream of our crop, wizzing on corpses.

That’s because Rick Perry wizzes on everything – taxpayers, school children, women in need of health care, property owners, cute little puppies, your lunch when you look the other way, Laura’s flowers in the backyard, Ron Paul’s paper sack of gold he carries everythwere …. you name it, Rick has wizzed on it or is sincerely looking forward to doing so.

Well, except the Gov Shack when it was on fire.  He wouldn’t wizz on that because he’d had his eye on a $10,000 a month mansion in a gated community with a swimming pool … that he could wizz in.

In fact, that’s the entire Republican economic plan:  wizz on it.

In Texas, using a toilet is for sissies.  And men who are too dumb to remember  up or down.

Rick Perry:  making Texas Wizz Proud!

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