Rick Perry: Tough and Durable

March 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry in New Hampshire.  Honestly, I didn’t know there were that many old white people anywhere.

Live free or die, Mofo!

And here’s the one where he claims that he grew up without running water in his house.


Rick Perry’s father was a county commissioner.  He probably made enough in kickbacks to dig three damn wells.  I ain’t buying that story.

You cannot even imagine how much fun it will be to watch Rick Perry fall on his face.  Again.

The boys and girls at the Texas Observer re-wrote the Gettysburg Address after Perry claims that Abe Lincoln was a big states rights guy.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new loose federal compact, conceived in joint appreciation for family values and corporate power, and dedicated to the proposition that the states, the laboratories of Democracy, know how to create jobs better than some bureaucrat in D.C., I tell you what.

Now we are engaged in a problematic period in which both sides are at fault, testing whether that loose federal compact, or any loose federal compact so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of this unfortunate mutual dispute. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that this nation may continue to create jobs long into the future.

You can read it all right here.  Scroll a little more than half way down.

Thanks to Pamela for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Rick Perry: Tough and Durable”

  1. Yeah and pRicky walked to school 25 miles in the snow. Uphill. Both ways. pRicky you lie.

  2. The irony is that it’s not jobs that push the radical right agenda. It’s short-term profits. “Jobs” just sounds better and fools more people.

    In California, any time the Chamber of Commerce wants to kill a progressive bill the label it as a “job killer.” Again, the Chamber of Commerce does not care about jobs, only about business profits.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Perry is breaking the law by not wearing a lap belt/shoulder harness. Kill him!

  4. e platypus onion says:


    Perry reminds me of Clarence, the cross-eyed lion from tv.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Clarence had better hair. 🙂

  6. ditto to #1 comment, (walking to school , uphill both directions)

  7. EPO, and Clarence had more brains and more damn real fun!

  8. Only thing I want to know is this….

    Are the taxpayers of THE STATE OF TEXAS….. still picking up the
    possible $1M per whatever for his “security”…. and if so…. WHY!

  9. The Perry family had running water, they just didn’t have sense enough to turn on the tap.

  10. The takeaway from the video is if we elect Lil’ Ricky, America’s finest days are ahead of it.

    First off, does he think GOP Primary voters are so stupid to fall for warmed-over Raygun tropes?

    OK, don’t answer that.

    Second off, speaking of Raygun, how dare this accused felon suggest that there could ever be a better time than the 8 years of St. Ronnie? Them’s there some fightin’ words for the true believers!

    I will enjoy seeing this doofus get his dime-store hat (and smart-guy glasses) handed to him in Iowa and New Hampshire. The only suspense is how soon will he drop out?

  11. This “Live free or die” coming repetively out of his mouth. I think that may be an honest statement…If you don’t elect him you may live free, if you do…he’s okay with you dying in service to the big corporations.

    I find the either or message repulsive. Yes, it may have been appropriate during the Revolutionary War. But it implies our only choices are extremes (take up arms or be killed). We are a long way from that reality — at least I want to believe so.

  12. maryelle says:

    Perry comes on like the true snake oil salesman he is.

  13. He’s a dork. And a charmer. Of the snake oil kind. I have natural radar for charmers and I don’t like them. Ever.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Anything that comes out of his mouth is a lie or a damn lie.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Mac Davis sings about Rick Perry-


  16. No running water? It was probably at his hunting camp so far out in the sticks, his family thought it was safe to name it something interchangeably nautical & racist.

  17. Roberto, I don’t know about St. Ronnie. I think a lot of his worshipers forgot what he actually did:

    Last week at CPAC potential Republican candidates were invoking President Ronald Reagan ad-nauseam. Ed Schultz asked Bruce Bartlett, former adviser to Reagan, how would Reagan have been treated at CPAC.
    “I think he probably would be booed out of the crowd,” Bruce Bartlett said. “If only because he gave amnesty to illegal aliens back in 1986. Nativists like Representative Steve King routinely denounce Reagan for that. They would have denounced him for raising taxes eleven times. They would have denounced him for raising the debt limit. They would have denounced him for running budget deficits. They would have denounced him for supporting labor unions. … And we are not even getting into all the liberal things that he did as governor such as signing the most liberal abortion law in the United States. I think this guy definitely would not be a favorite of this crowd.”


  18. e platypus onion says:

    Amen to that,Rhea. Raygun had senile dysfunction.

  19. Roberto says:

    Rhea, you’re absolutely right.

    Let me add a few more of St. Ronnie’s greatest hits:
    1-Cut & Run from Beirut after the bombing of the U.S. Marines barracks in which 241 Marines were killed.
    2-Asleep at the wheel during the deregulation and subsequent systematic plundering of the U.S. Savings & Loan industry.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    When we lived on a ranch in west Texas we had running water but were on a six party phone line. Whoopee. ASk him about the party line.

  21. Clint, your comment got a loud guffaw out of me that made folks in this coffee shop jump.

    pRick (I love that spelling!) apparently never met a cliché he doesn’t like. I guess his Smart Glasses don’t help his lousy speechifying. I noticed that he gave a list of TWO things. He’s learned that 3 items are just too many.

  22. Who ever told Perry that fake eyeglasses make him look smart is not his friend. He still look stupid.

  23. mark neal says:

    Yeah, Meimaw.
    Not only that, we are picking up the cost of his defense for the charges of corruption.
    And get this!! We are also paying for the prosecution!!
    Nice work if you can get it…..
