Rick Perry is Poopie del Pollo

September 11, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry did not show up.

Gov. Rick Perry did not show up as expected Saturday at a news conference convened by his office to brief reporters on the Texas wildfires. Perry aides, citing “logistical issues,” said the governor initially had been scheduled to appear at a location with restricted access.

The location was changed to an accessible spot, which was a burned-out home and chocolate shop along the main highway, and local officials briefed the media on the fire situation without him.

“He’s in Austin,” said Allison Castle, a spokeswoman for the governor, in response to a flurry of questions about Perry’s whereabouts after the briefing. The governor did not go to Bastrop today, she added.

Now let me get this straight, he could make it 1,500 miles to California for three fundraisers, but he could not make it 30 miles to Bastrop, Texas?   What?  He didn’t think people there would give him money?

Here’s a map for Rick.  Hell, it’s 30 damn miles.

(Click the little one to get the big one.)

Was he afraid of coyotes, rustlers, and all manner of stagecoach robbers along the way?

And here’s the clincher:

Another Perry spokeswoman, Catherine Frazier, said: “By the time we nailed down a second location we wouldn’t be able to get the governor there in time without making everybody wait.”

We have been waiting on Rick Perry for ten damn years, you think another 15 minutes would matter?

It is this simple:  Rick Perry did not want to have his picture taken in front of 1,400 homes burned to the ground after he (1) cut funds to fire departments by 75% and, (2) said the solution was to pray for rain.

Rick Perry is good at politicking but real bad at governing.

Did I tell you that he made the Lt. Governor sign the request for federal aid?

Verdelia says that Rick was afraid of getting soot on those prissy boots of his.

She might be right because Perry is plenty proud of those boots.  He likes to strut proud, but after this poopie del pollo move on the citizens of the State of Texas, Rick Perry is Moses Rose.

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